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My Nissan Leaf Forum

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  1. B

    Nissan Won't Honor Capacity Warranty, Says I Am 4 Days Late. 8 Bars

    I've dealt with Nissan and I've read the posts... yes, I'm hoping that I get what I want. From Nissan, absolutely nothing is expected. At this point it's to hit Nissan in the only place it cares about, profits. It's also to warn others of Nissan's flawed design and to not buy Nissan. Nissan...
  2. B

    Nissan Won't Honor Capacity Warranty, Says I Am 4 Days Late. 8 Bars

    My battery dropped to 8 bars less than 3 weeks after the 5 year limit. I also dealt with Tiffany and it sounds like the same routine, delay for 2 weeks and then deny warranty. I'm taking the approach of just telling everyone not to buy Nissan. I figure a nice sign on the back of my car will get...