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My Nissan Leaf Forum

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  1. M

    Buying a Leaf in the EAST? Some things you should know

    I agree, but show the 75 mile range in BIG numbers on the main page. Bottom line we have stopped complaining to the dealer & we are working with the vehicle. My hope is that by the time our lease (32 months) is up, we can upgrade to a 200+ mile LEAF
  2. M

    Buying a Leaf in the EAST? Some things you should know

    My whole point to this was how Nissan advertised the LEAF & are still doing the same. We are learning more & more about the vehicle after each charge. It's become a game to see how far we can go. I have stated in numerous posts that I love the car & the EV concept, but Nissan needs to be real...
  3. M

    Buying a Leaf in the EAST? Some things you should know

    I'm Back!!!!!! My dealer to this day says 100miles Salesman + mechanics both state 100miles I never signed papers about range limitations When I complained, their solution was to stop using the heat/ac which I never really used. Bring the car in for an overnight test, someone was going to drive...
  4. M

    Buying a Leaf in the EAST? Some things you should know

    I love the vehicle & the concept, the marketing was "Bull" & the Dealers know nothing about the vehicle. Those are my problems. I knew I would have issues with charging, but I would love to drive it 100 miles (Philadelphia) charge up & go home
  5. M

    Buying a Leaf in the EAST? Some things you should know

    We live in NJ & we LEASED our 2012 LEAF in September. We now have 3000+ miles on the vehicle. We begin do research on the LEAF before it was in the US. All advertisements for the vehicle were for 100+ miles/charge. We test drove the LEAF & were told the same thing. Dealers verified the same...
  6. M

    Range Problems

    My question is a simple one. WILL THE VEHICLE TRAVEL 100 MILES ON A 12 BAR CHARGE? What is this EPA rating of 72 miles when the vehicle is advertised at 100 miles per charge
  7. M

    Range Problems

    We now have 1800 miles on our 2012 Leaf SL. We live in Northern NJ, the vehicle is stored in a heated garage 45 degrees. We travel about 12 miles a day. We charge the vehicle about every 4th day. On a full charge we get 91 miles In "D" & 101 in "ECCO". We have a Schneider EV charger on a...
  8. M

    Range Problems

    I like your picture! After the morning ride 4.3miles/kw Located in heated garage 50 degrees? Outdoor temp was 28 degrees. 33 degrees on the 9 mile trip I'm a rookie, whats GOM? Is that the number of miles to empty? Thanks
  9. M

    Range Problems

    Just returned from the AM drive 36+9=45 miles traveled, 5 bars remaining with an estimate of 37 miles to empty
  10. M

    Range Problems

    I started this thread with questions about what I might be doing wrong with the car. I learned a lot from the discussion I did not drive the car yesterday because of a 5" snow storm. Will be taking it out this AM. Some additional info I can provide. I do not charge the car everyday. I wait...
  11. M

    Lost Battery Capacity and Range / Autonomy, Page 2

    I started this thread with questions about what I might be doing wrong with the car. I learned a lot from the discussion I did not drive the car yesterday because of a 5" snow storm. Will be taking it out this AM. Some additional info I can provide. I do not charge the car everyday. I wait...
  12. M

    Range Problems

    4.6 on the miles/kw 6 bars remaining
  13. M

    Range Problems

    Resent the miles/kw this morning Driving range for the day was 4.2-5.1 miles/kw I began with 12 bars & an distance of 96miles to empty Traveled 36 miles My gauge now shows 55 miles to empty We did not drive the car differently, but if we get a jump up into 80's, thats big Does reseting that...
  14. M

    Range Problems

    I have reset the miles/kw button Should have a better average now