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  1. M

    Need to swap my EVSE upgrade for stock 110v Charger

    Sorry, I actually found a stock one on eBay, so I'll be listing my upgraded model for sale in the next month or so.
  2. M

    Need to swap my EVSE upgrade for stock 110v Charger

    From what I was told, they didn't quite have the selectable feature figured out at the time.
  3. M

    Need to swap my EVSE upgrade for stock 110v Charger

    I have a 2013 EVSE upgraded by EVSEUpgrade to 20 amps 120V/240V, including the 120V adapter. I was told that it is not selectable, so it does need to be on a circuit larger than 15 amps. Anyone out there have an unmodified charger?
  4. M

    Need Opinions - Use SolarCity to Install for Free or........

    You can build a system for less than that Go Green Solar kit. QueenBee on this forum helped me immensely with getting my system built.
  5. M

    2013 SL heater not working...again

    My '13 Leaf is currently at the dealer for a new PTC heater assembly. The computer screen said it was related to a TSB, so it must be a known problem. This is my first trip to the dealer since I leased it last March.
  6. M

    PSA: Don't park your car below snow-covered PV!

    The snow that has been lingering on my lower panels for days apparently cause the Enlighten website to flag 6 of the panels/inverters as broken. I guess I should get a really long squeegee...
  7. M

    DIY Solar PV Installation

    Awesome writeup! As a fellow engineer, I love seeing these massively detailed writeups, but for some reason, I never take the time to do them myself. Also, a big thanks to QueenBee for helping me a ton with my (nearly) completed 7.44 kW system
  8. M

    1kw system = $4,300 installed

    My BenQ panels are made in Taiwan. And yes, Taiwan is part of China - but go ahead and call a Taiwanese person Chinese and see what they say. And I didn't say the Enphase inverters (which I am using) are Chinese-made, but they aren't US-made. Canada isn't (yet? :D) part of the US...
  9. M

    1kw system = $4,300 installed

    AUO/BenQ panels are made in Taiwan, not China. Decidedly not US-made, but not Chinese. Those Enphase inverters are also not made in the US.
  10. M

    Solar charging the LEAF with no home system

    90% coal/natural gas/oil here in MO. Solar panels are being delivered on Tuesday.
  11. M

    Enphase field MTBF: M190: ~36 Years M215: ~316 Years M250: >357 Years

    They have a 300W / 48V DC limit, which would seem to indicate that you could use a 300W 72 cell panel with them. That would be interesting, because I could get another ~20% on my roof with 300W panels and these new inverters - but Enphase still says they are for 60 cell panels.
  12. M

    Enphase field MTBF: M190: ~36 Years M215: ~316 Years M250: >357 Years

    Enphase just published the spec sheet (and more on their website):" onclick=";return false; Temp ranges: Ambient temperature range -40ºC to +65ºC Operating temperature range (internal) -40ºC to +85ºC
  13. M

    Enphase field MTBF: M190: ~36 Years M215: ~316 Years M250: >357 Years

    Maybe they'll have a firesale on the M215s now...
  14. M

    St. Louis. Solar installers

    What're the details on your setup? Is it two arrays - one pointing northeast and one southwest? What size panels? If you don't mind sharing, what was the price before the Ameren rebate/tax incentive?
  15. M

    St. Louis. Solar installers

    Yeah, I'm planning on the Enphase units. The county told me that the electrician actually has to install the panel - I'm guessing because of grounding concerns, but who knows.