Tony 240

My Nissan Leaf Forum

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I am intent on saving energy and reducing the carbon output, in Ontario Canada our electrical grid is comprised of Nuclear , Hydraulic (water), Wind, Solar, and some Gas powered generation, I think the percent order is in the order written down. I was instrumental in High School (1970) to start a electric car club which when I graduated in 1971 had acquired almost everything except the batteries to make the electric car. So it was a long time (2019) before i actually drove one. My leaf (2012) now has 80,000 Km on it which is more than double what was on it when i bought it. I still have 13 bars on the battery.
I have a solar PV system which is a stand alone system which runs the things that are necessary, plus I have a charge system if the power gets too low at night charges the batteries from the grid.
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Retired Electrician

