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My Nissan Leaf Forum

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  1. E

    Charging during snow & ice

    We are expecting freezing rain and snow this week. Do other charge in this conditions? I have only had the Leaf during one snow event and I didn't charge that evening. On my 2020 can lower the flap cover some, but not sure if there is any potential damage by charging overnight during an ice...
  2. E

    EV Connect Issues (February 2021)

    Started having problems yesterday with EV Connect app. It would say it would not connect. This morning it tells me my username and password are not correct. Anyone else having this issue?
  3. E

    Apple Car Play / Plugshare [Mod: fix URL link]
  4. E

    EV Podcast

    Does anyone have good EV related podcast to recommend?
  5. E

    WIll my leaf show charging rate? 2020 SV Plus

    Newbie question: Is there a screen setting inside of the car that will tell me at what rate the car is being charged?