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  1. O

    Directly charging Leaf with Solar Panels...

    Ah, Thanks; Getting caught up a bit! Theres lots of youtube videos suggesting ChaDeMo controller hacking/bypassing(custom controllers) what seems to suggest it's possible but not as easily as I had hoped. Living with the 50%+- losses using the 100-240V AC charging from a DC Solar source just...
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    Directly charging Leaf with Solar Panels...

    Yeah, I could see it doing that, but given all the positive reviews about cell load balancing, that suggests to me the Leaf or perhaps the cell packs themselves have built in controllers and carefully throttles the current/voltage to what they need to maintain over-all(This is required for...
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    Directly charging Leaf with Solar Panels...

    Well as stated I would like the idea of adding a cheap array primarily for the Leaf if it could be charged directly(cut costs significantly vs inverters and conversion losses; would need 2x the size once inverters/etc were added). Although I confess with my 2KW system and 2KWh/day (or less...
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    Directly charging Leaf with Solar Panels...

    Hi, I read a lot of other topics in this area about charging the Leaf with solar, but I felt all the replies and or posts sort of missed the angle I would like more information on. Not that it's important to questions, my situation/needs: I am off-grid now with just under 2KW solar in the far...