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My Nissan Leaf Forum

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  1. I

    Where can mice enter the cabin on a Leaf

    I have pigs and chickens and have fought mice and rats for years, even had them get into two vehicles and tear up the wiring pretty bad, along with some of the HVAC ducts under our house. While you can get plastic boxes that only they can fit in and put poison in them, which works ok, the best...
  2. I

    What Do You Wish Your Leaf Had?

    Had to rent a car few days ago and got a Honda HRV. When you put on your right turn signal (passenger side), the inside camera screen would pop up and show you something similar to the backup camera directly to the next lane over. Was really nice to use on the interstate in addition to looking...
  3. I

    The official "I got my Leaf" thread

    I'd thought about an EV for awhile, just wanted to wait on the technology to kinda catch up a bit. I tend to keep/drive vehicles for a pretty long time, and my wife's Jeep Wrangler (TJ) is almost pushing 200K on it, and while we have a truck and my Miata (which she can't drive), we really wanted...