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  1. H

    2013 Leaf "S" - Unreliable OBC (OnBoard Charger)

    This has crossed my mind, but the labor cost is significant as this is probably a bit beyond my abilities - at least given the realities of work and a 4-year-old in the house. I can solder, but not well - and without knowing which caps are needed until I open it up, I'd be waiting for the parts...
  2. H

    2013 Leaf "S" - Unreliable OBC (OnBoard Charger)

    The 12v was replaced a month ago and is known good - that would have been a good idea to check otherwise. Eager to hear other ideas or your ideas after you are able to rest.
  3. H

    2013 Leaf "S" - Unreliable OBC (OnBoard Charger)

    No, I do not need 6.6kW charging, I simply need reliable charging and do not want to pay an arm and a leg to address reliability issues. I also (unfortunately) can't use high-speed charging hardware to bypass the issue with 110/220 charging - since I don't have a high-speed charging port. I...
  4. H

    2013 Leaf "S" - Unreliable OBC (OnBoard Charger)

    I am in the unfortunate position of having an otherwise good condition 2013 Leaf (~80k miles) with a happy battery pack (only one bar missing), but the OBC is starting to fail. Symptoms/Issues: 1. About 1/25 times that I try to turn on the car, it will only turn on halfway - the accessories...
  5. H

    Converting the stock EVSE to an OpenEVSE unit

    How does this OpenEVSE modification compare to the more common modification Phil offers to convert the stock unit to 240v? Specifically: - What additional features will I get with the OpenEVSE (based on current firmware - I understand that firmware updates can result in new capabilities) -...
  6. H

    How hard is it to pop out the battery and change it?

    Why wouldn't you simply disassemble the battery pack from the wrecked leaf, reassemble in a different configuration in your trunk and put the stuff you would have carried in the trunk in a roof box. I have seen a Leaf w/ a roof rack installed. If you didn't have any luggage, you could drive a...
  7. H

    Extended Warranties and Security+Plus Prepaid maintenance???

    I have a 2013 - didn't they replace the heater with a new (hopefully more reliable) design?
  8. H

    USB drive organization

    Is a USB (spinning) Hard Drive supported?
  9. H

    Extended Warranties and Security+Plus Prepaid maintenance???

    Thanks for all the feedback. I'm definitely going to get a refund on the service contract since the Schedule 2 servicing is cheap, and I will probably take a credit on the extended warranty as well since it doesn't seem like the risk of non-warranted failure is particularly high, and quite...
  10. H

    Spare Tire Carrier

    Has anyone considered a dual-purpose kit which adds a trailer hitch and the ability to carry a spare tire beneath the car? It should be possible to attach both with a single set of bolts.
  11. H

    Extended Warranties and Security+Plus Prepaid maintenance???

    The title says it all, I'm trying to decide if I will cancel either of these additional purchase decisions we made in the stressful room with the finance guy. I bought both, in a large part since both are cancellable withing 30 days. Now I'm trying to make an educated decision about both. 1)...
  12. H

    Why is 80% charging recommended?

    I just spent some time reading the (excellent) article here about Nissan leaf cars, battery degradation and other charging issues:" onclick=";return false; It didn't help me understand the deal with the...
  13. H

    Clipper Creek March Madness LCS-25 and LCS-25/PCS-15 combo

    I just purchased a base model 2013 leaf "S" with the lower 3.3kWh charging capability. The Clipper Creek seems like a great value for a charger rated for outdoor use. Anyone have any hands-on experience? - Is it a good unit? - Anyone do the installation themselves? Was it difficult? Was the...