Pipeline spills 176,000 gallons of crude into creek about 150 miles from Dakota Access protest camp

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2011
SF Bay Area, CA
Title says it all.

Hmm, but if we deny it even happened it will go away after the nine day news cycle, right? Then if you bring it up again you will be a tree hugging leftie who wants to kill jobs. You know, the jobs for the cleanup.
Not to get my smug on, but I feel much better knowing that I'm limiting my contribution to these events by no longer driving an ICE vehicle. In my home state, just 40 minutes away from where I am, an oil pipeline spill occurred, taking almost 2 years to clean up.


Exxon got off easy with a mere $5mil penalty to the state of Arkansas for 134,000 gallons of oil spilled.

Durandal said:
Not to get my smug on, but I feel much better knowing that I'm limiting my contribution to these events by no longer driving an ICE vehicle. In my home state, just 40 minutes away from where I am, an oil pipeline spill occurred, taking almost 2 years to clean up.

Go ahead and "get your smug on": you are paying for the privilege to do so. When the inversion is bad here and the air turns greenish-brown, the county asks us to limit our driving. I feel good when I pull out of my driveway knowing that I am not contributing to the mess. While most of our electricity is coal generated, it is about 100 miles south where the inversion factors we live with in the north have no affect.