BC goverment 50 million EV charge build out.

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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2015
Okanagan Valley British Columbia
BC government just announced a 50 million dollar build out to the EV charging infrastructure in the province. This will be in addition to the already existing 44 fast chargers that are already In place or are being installed this year.

Cool. Cut and paste below.

"The B.C. Liberals are committing $50 million to build 4,321 new charging stations over the next five years.

The bulk of the money, $38 million, will go to level 2 chargers that replenish a car's electric battery in five hours. The remaining $12 million will be invested in 110 fast chargers, which can have a car topped up in 30 minutes."
SageBrush said:
That seems grossly overpriced.

I don't know. Hiring people to find out the best places for them, getting three phase power to the sites, equipment, service contracts. It all adds up. Works out to about 11571 bucks for charge station and a bunch of them are Chademos so..... How much does a Chademo "pump cost now a days. We use Canadian currency here. A lot of folks get confused because we use the same name for our currency (dollar) as opposed to pound or euro or peso or whatever.
$38m/4,211 = $9,023.98 per L2. I assume that's Canadian $, currently at an exchange rate of 1.33280021 with the U.S. dollar, so U.S. $6,779.95 per L2. For the QCs, it's $12m/110 = $109,090.91 Canadian, or U.S. $81,850.91 each.
Just stupid PR anyways, as the Liberals in BC just lost their mandate in the recent election. There's no way they are going to form government.

Perhaps the NDP/Green coalition will do something similar though.