Downloading new charge station data. Question.

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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2015
Okanagan Valley British Columbia
Hi all. Quicky question. When I go to a charge station that I previously haven't used with the leaf, it adds it to the cars data base.

. Does the Leaf upload it to the mother ship the next time I down load the latest station data so that others get it on their next download.

, Where does Nissan get the charge station info from?

, how often does the Nissan data change.

Thanks all.
As far as I know, the LEAF does not send charging station information to the Nissan servers. It saves that information locally and adds it to the database in the car. It uses the information from specifically-added stations to generate plug-in reminders if reminders for previously-used charging stations is active.
Personally, I would not want the car to upload the addresses and characteristics of my charging stations at home and my workshop to Nissan's servers to share with others. It is nice that it stores the information locally and uses it to activate plug in reminders. It is also good that I can delete any that I do not want to have sending plug in reminders.