black plastic piece in glovebox

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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2010
Olympia, WA
although i saw it when i took delivery, i have just now got around to looking at it. so what it for?

i thought i was like an additional shelf for glove box, but it does not appear to fit
ok here ye go
ya it has screws...hmmm, if i hide it i wonder if they will make me put it on. WA State requires front license plate but my Zenn never had one and i drove it daily for 3 years. never had an issue with it.
DaveinOlyWA said:
ya it has screws...hmmm, if i hide it i wonder if they will make me put it on. WA State requires front license plate but my Zenn never had one and i drove it daily for 3 years. never had an issue with it.
Did you ask your PD not to install it?
DaveinOlyWA said:
ya it has screws...hmmm, if i hide it i wonder if they will make me put it on. WA State requires front license plate but my Zenn never had one and i drove it daily for 3 years. never had an issue with it.

CA requires one too. But I drove my Contour for 10 years without getting a ticket for having it missing. I only put it on when I sold the car, to save the new owner any grief more than anything. I would say leave it off and then see if the PoPo will issue a "fix it" ticket instead of a citation (if they can do that up there).

Bruin....yeah, I asked my PD to leave it off.
Oregon law is kinda funny regarding the front license plate. The way the law is written, you're only required to have a front license plate if you are supplied with two plates. If you are supplied with one plate, it is required to go on the rear of the vehicle.

The law also states though that passenger vehicles are provided two plates, so I guess I couldn't just tell the officer that I was only sent one!

BTW, Portland police love to give tickets for not having a front plate. One of my co-workers has received two tickets in the last six months while he was parked on the street in downtown! :D
Florida does not require front plates so we leave them all off unless someone wants it put on. I like the look of most cars better without them. Some people will choose a different car just because the braket is on the car.
My cousin got tired of getting parking tickets, so when he got a new car, he never put the plates on - just tossed them in the trunk. He left the temporary registration taped to the windshield, kept the car looking pretty new, and has managed to avoid parking tickets for the last 10 year. :lol: Tougher to write a parking ticket when you don't have a plate number to stick on it. Never pulled over for not having plates either.
Apparently displaying the front plate is now required, at least on all new cars sold in CA.

If needed, the dealer must provide a front mounting bracket, and "normally" cannot sell a new car without one (but perhaps not necessarily mounted).
garygid said:
I see that displaying the front plate is now required on all new cars sold in CA.

If needed, the dealer must provide a front mounting bracket, and "normally" cannot sell a new car without one mounted.

With special "relesse" paperwork, the owner can take the responsibility of doing the mounting.

My Leaf has no front plate. I specifically requested it NOT be mounted. The mounting hardware is in the trunk. I was supposed to sign a waver but they forgot. IF I get a ticket, I'll worry about mounting the plate.

I don't have a front plate on my BMW.....I've received 2 tickets for it BOTH WHILE PARKED AT LAX!!! :evil: Seems the police patrolling the parking lots at LAX don't have enough to do.
I've driven three cars with No Front Plate, in San Diego over the last 15 years or so.

After two years, the first car got two fix-it tickets to have the front plate installed. I had to mount the plate and appear at the police station to have it cleared.

I drove the second car (no front plate) for four years without any tickets, and sold it with no front plate.

The third car (Lotus Elise) had no easy way to mount a front plate. It saw fewer miles, but also went four years without a front plate -- no tickets.

So it seems to depend largely on where you drive, where you park, and maybe even what kind of car it is.

Front plates are ugly. Chose your own level of comfort, but I'd rather get a fix-it now and then and keep the front of the car clean and aerodynamic.
The ticket cameras shoot both sides anyway, as does the FastTrak camera system. I don't know what the big deal is.
I live in Arizona and front license plates are not required. Went to Pomona California a few years ago for a tile conference and got pulled over.
Cop: You don't have a front license plate.
Me: Yeah, I know. I'm from AZ.
Cop: Well you're in California now and you have to have one.
Me: But I'm just here for the weekend.
Cop: Since you don't have a front plate I'm going to give you a ticket.

15 minutes later and after a call to his supervisor, he let us go. Pretty funny. :D
GroundLoop said:
So it seems to depend largely on where you drive, where you park, and maybe even what kind of car it is.
This is true--enforcement seems to be quite random. I never put the front plate on my wife's Miata and she has driven it 200,000 miles over 20 years now (since new) without incident. I have never put the front plate on my Ultima GTR either, but I drive it very few miles/yr. on the street. The ticket I got was in my '73 911 RS-clone, turning left at a 4-way stop in front of a motorcycle cop in Kearney Mesa. He was almost apologetic, but said he just came from a morning briefing where they were told to crack down on front-plate violations. Wrong place at the wrong time, I guess. He also wrote me up for the windshield banner I had across the top of the windshield. Turns out, those are illegal too. It might be I was only pulled over because it was a "two-fer." The lesson I learned a long time ago--if you're going to break the law, only break one at a time... :cry:
