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My Nissan Leaf Forum

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  1. A

    Determining battery Size by Vin/GVWR?

    Using the 4th character of the VIN is probably all I need (B = 30kWh, A=24kWh), but is there a functioning VIN checker / tag maker? the one seems to have been disabled.
  2. A

    Wholesale value of the 2015 Leaf @Auction-May '18

    Would love to see recent 2015 prices! My sense is that the 2016s are not yet flowing back to market.
  3. A


    My tyvek-envelope barrier (which stops snow sliding down the hood into the charger port) is going strong after a year. It simply spans between the underside of the long edge of the charge port door to the top edge of the port area. It is fastened with a mix of blue masking tape and tucking...
  4. A

    Price to retrofit a used 2011-2015 Leaf with a new 30 kWh (or higher) battery?

    Green Car Reports says that mid-year the S got the same 30kWh battery as the SL/SV. This essentially admits that the 25kWh battery has stopped production. So is there a stockpile of 25...
  5. A

    Bent edge of 16" Wheels

    Boston metro uses tall, square granite curbs with a sharp edge (when new). Apparently life cycle costs are way better for granite --. Which can last 100+ years here despite the freeze-thaw cycles and salt. after 50 years the edge gets smoothed/polished--so most of it is fine, but when new it is...
  6. A

    Wheel upgrades for S ?

    Is there a good option out there that combines low(ish)/reasonable price and better efficiency (low mass / better aero) for upgrading a model S with ugly (and worn) rims?
  7. A

    Bent edge of 16" Wheels

    Anyone else have the problem that repeated parallel-parking contact of the rear passenger wheel has bent/crimped the edge of the 16" wheel (these are aluminum, right? I have a 2013 S with plastic hubcaps over ugly wheels). What would you do about 3" worth of damage that sometimes causes the...
  8. A

    New owner of used 2013 Leaf

    Congrats on your purchase. Sounds like a great deal (My 2013 S with fast charge & backup was $10.5k a last Oct at 29k miles). I was a devoted LeafSpy user, and at about the same numbers you are now I started fearing my first pip loss--and it still hasn't come 6k miles later so I've stopped...
  9. A

    Charging to 80% and 100% at different times

    We seem to stumble into doing things mostly right: in advance of busy Saturday driving, we have been in the habit of charging to 100% in our Fri-Sat nightly cycle, and on your recommendation, we'll make sure we continue this.
  10. A

    Charging to 80% and 100% at different times

    ^Thanks! We're daily drivers, and Boston area temps at night/morning (when charge is full) rarely exceed 80F, but just in case, we've defaulted to 80% for our first July & August (with our used 2013 Leaf previously domiciled in Atlanta). So I'm feeling pretty good. Haven't checked GIDs in a...
  11. A

    Charging to 80% and 100% at different times

    How extended (how infrequent is "don't regularly drive"), how hot?
  12. A

    rattle from hatch back

    I am trying to chase down the same (?) rattle. As I drive it is a gentle occasional noise that, in words might be spelled "cha-link-a" I get a very similar noise while parked when I lift the hatch---when the hatch is 1' to 2' up/open it almost sounds like a marble rolls or the hatch latch...
  13. A

    DIY - Improving battery cooling - active cooling

    How about: 1)a tray (plastic toboggan?) of cold tap water slid under the car or that the car parks over. Goal is for the water to trap heat radiating from the battery 2) a swamp cooler or garden hose mist spray (assumes it is in a driveway). I have an asphalt pad that I park my Leaf on. My goal...
  14. A

    Availability of used (off-lease) 2013s?

    That's exactly what I wanted to know, except what's the new term? Month to month with a monthly mileage allowance or was there an annual term? 2 free months is either 4% or 8% off paid "up front". If all it did was get you to a 2016 (and its 20% bigger battery) or 2017 (and 200mi?), it seems...