Recent content by lavorama

My Nissan Leaf Forum

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  1. L

    How too keep battery cool

    Maybe the answer is buried somewhere among the myriad of posts concerning capacity loss - and I remember reading about doing something with the back seats to vent the battery - but I think some pratical tips (besides parking in the shade) would go nicely along all the anguish the heat problem is...
  2. L

    Upcoming 98 mile round trip with wife and baby -- insane??

    When I finally got the Leaf in my hands, I had a 100 mile drive ahead of me to take it home from the dealership. It never crossed my mind trying to make it without some charging on the way, so I planned the route with two stops. One in Setubal to regain all the juice I would spend showing off...
  3. L

    command carwings via sms

    I go somewhere else: So I guess this is the problem.
  4. L

    command carwings via sms

    I like how useful the portal looks, but I can't login with either my Carwings or MyNissan usernames/passwords. It looks like this when I try it: VIN: JN1ADOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> ID: tml PUBLIC Updated: SOC...