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    ramisalah reacted to Chad E. Mo's post in the thread 100 kW Charging with Like Like.
    The display went from 20% to 60% ... net gain of 40%, methinks. But, as pointed out 20.2kWh is not 40% of 62kWh.
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    ramisalah reacted to knightmb's post in the thread 100 kW Charging with Haha Haha.
    20.2 kW/h delivered. The Leaf didn't start at 0 kWh. ;)
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    ramisalah replied to the thread 100 kW Charging.
    It shows that 20.2 kW were delivered and that was equivalent to 40% (20% to 60%). 20.2 kW in the Leaf is 32 - 33%. These numbers don't...
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    ramisalah replied to the thread 100 kW Charging.
    I have collected evidence and posted pictures of the sub 50kW charging rates. You indicated you have achieved 70+ kW plus charging...
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    ramisalah reacted to Chad E. Mo's post in the thread 100 kW Charging with Like Like.
    As a point of reference, in January, my SV+ pack temp went from 72F to 91F @ 48kW. Ambient temp = 36F. During the first dcfc SoC...
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    ramisalah replied to the thread 100 kW Charging.
    Please post a video of your 70+ charging rate and the battery temperature at intervals during the charging (beginning and every 5-10...
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    ramisalah replied to the thread 100 kW Charging.
    The simple statement was that the Nissan Leaf has no battery cooling (fact) and batteries get warm while charging (fact). So when the...
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    ramisalah replied to the thread 100 kW Charging.
    Again, I see a Nissan corporate effort here to create ambiguity. Do you have data supporting the statement: "I think much of the...
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    ramisalah replied to the thread 100 kW Charging.
    I see the vested interest to defend Nissan despite all contrary indications and blame the consumer. Is "Gotcha" the goal here? Again, we...
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    ramisalah replied to the thread 100 kW Charging.
    Thank you for your understanding and empathy. To add, we do have false advertising laws that can deal with this situation.
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    ramisalah reacted to nlspace's post in the thread 100 kW Charging with Like Like.
    Yes that is correct--and they cover themselves in the tiny fine print and footnotes. For example footnotes number [2] and [4] on the...
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    ramisalah replied to the thread 100 kW Charging.
    The chart is not accurate either since the Leaf battery has the Achilles heal of having no cooling. So, one you plug in the battery at...
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    ramisalah replied to the thread 100 kW Charging.
    One needs to understands conventions rather than getting stuck on units. No need to explain basics. The general point is clear to all...
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    ramisalah replied to the thread 100 kW Charging.
    Here are the areas of feedback I am getting: - Some objective feedback from Leaf owners who are confirming the issue with Nissan using...
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    ramisalah replied to the thread 100 kW Charging.
    Sorry for expecting a company to meet its advertised numbers. That's just the right thing to do. ISO expects companies to do what they...