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  1. C

    Will an '11 handle an 80 mile roundtrip commute in Austin tx

    If you can charge at work yes. If not... No.
  2. C

    Where are all of these 200-mile EVs coming from?

    Easy answer. Base Leaf now is $21k after incentives. Add $10k worth more of battery and VIOLA! :) Easy peasy. :)
  3. C

    LEAF wreck

    What's that weird rumble noise and shaking feeling? Something's wrong with my car! :)
  4. C

    Tesla "D" Oct 9

    Although Elon's next tweet:" onclick=";return false; that makes me think the other letter is the X. D... X... D...X...D...X
  5. C

    Tesla "D" Oct 9

    In all seriousness. I think it's going to be AWD S, driver assist auto mode, and who the heck knows. I'm putting a bet in for something we haven't seen coming at all being the something else.
  6. C

    Tesla "D" Oct 9

    This is what came to mind when Elon said that he's going to "unveil the D". (no it's not dirty) This is exactly what the presentation will be like: :)
  7. C

    2016 Leaf to have up to 180 miles of range!!!

    According to Cool pics there too... it looks like the bubble headlights are gone making my 2011 a collectors item. ;)
  8. C

    Update on Nissan LEAF Battery Replacement

    Awesome news. :) I was bummed that I finally lost a bar... but this brightens my day. Now I should definitely be able to drive the thing until the wheels fall off. :)
  9. C

    VW announces E-Golf - out 2015

    It has better battery management too: And weighs less than the Leaf - might have more range." onclick=";return false; This article implies it has DC quick charging... And that's one sexy interior too:
  10. C

    Glendale to Big Bear Lake - Possible?

    Only the last 20 miles is uphill though... hmmm....
  11. C

    Glendale to Big Bear Lake - Possible?

    Of course I'd fast charge in Fontana - where I got my Leaf - but it's still 50 some miles to Big Bear Lake from there. I'd need to charge again before I start the "hill". Are there any chargers close to the 330/18?
  12. C

    Ecotality filed for bankrupcy and intent to sell all assets

    Wait - Ecotality and Blink are the same company? I have this same problem. I called them to fix it but never heard back from them. Maybe this is why.
  13. C

    Nissan Tests New Heat-Resistant Battery For Leaf

    Slightly rude response don't you think? The "thanks for playing" part. Let's be nice here.
  14. C

    ECOtality News 8/12/13 - DOE Stops payments

    Is this Blink that's causing the overheating? Mine's been annoying recently in that his has internal faults once a week and I need to power it down and back on to make it work.
  15. C

    TSLA stock price discussion thread

    Crazy that I bought it at $29 - granted only $400 worth and now it's worth 4 times that. Crazy. Glad the stock is doing well.
  16. C

    2 years 12 bars

    2 years, 12 bars, 25k miles for me too. I charge to 80% every night and have a short 30 mile round trip commute. Sometimes charge to 100% on the weekends. 2 weekends ago I QC'd on Saturday AND Sunday for the first time. :) That was cool.
  17. C

    Battery Replacement Program Details

    I don't want to sell the car and get a new car. I want a replacement price for the battery. I OWN my Leaf free and clear. In 7 years... I want to be able to update the battery pack. Without signing up for a lease. I don't lease.
  18. C

    Nissan To Install 500 More Quick Charge Stations

    Does anyone know if Antelope Valley Nissan is installing a QC?
  19. C

    CAPACITY 2 years out.

    I too am coming up to my 2 year mark. All 12 bars and 23k miles. SoCal.