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  1. Klausstein

    Just got a 2013 Leaf that only has 4 bars left on the battery, how long will the battery last?

    IMO It would all depend on the price. I got my 13 for free plus a check for $600 from the dealer, so I figure I’m not out anything. My 13 has almost 90k miles and just lost a bar so now it only has 3. I love it still. Has plenty of get up and go, and it charged pretty fast on 110. I like my 2020...
  2. Klausstein

    Using a timer to charge??

    What time to stop charging. I learned from this thread that the car estimates how long to get to 100%, and it starts charging that long before the end time. It works pretty good…now that I understand it.
  3. Klausstein

    Using a timer to charge??

    Yeah. I figured it out. lol. I also have a 2020 SV+ and the 2013’s settings were just a bit confusing. The on board timer works great, now that I figured it out. Lol
  4. Klausstein

    Using a timer to charge??

    🤣🤣🤣 I’ll take pass.
  5. Klausstein

    Using a timer to charge??

    I see that has become a controversial topic. I was only asking because of my newness to owning EVs. I figured out how to set the in car timer, so at this point the original question is moot. Thanks all for the advice. This forum has really helped m navigate the ins and outs if my 1st gen. Leaf.
  6. Klausstein

    Using a timer to charge??

    Thanks all. I tried the built in "end timer" and it worked so I guess I won't be using the plug in charger. :) On another note. I lost a bar today. Down to 3. Gonna drive this car until It can't get me to work and back.
  7. Klausstein

    Using a timer to charge??

    Thanks. I will play with this. I’m so use to my 2020 SV+ I think the old school 2013 S had me a bit confused. 🫤. I’ll mess with this tonight.
  8. Klausstein

    Using a timer to charge??

    There is a timer for the 2013 S, but you can’t set a specific time to start and end charging it. I go to bed early so going out at 10:00 PM isn’t realistic. 😁
  9. Klausstein

    Using a timer to charge??

    I have 2013 Leaf S that doesn't have a way to set what time to charge it. It is 1/4 the price for me to charge after 10:00PM, and I want to take advantage of that. I do have a charging station I use to charge my 2020 SV+, but I prefer to use 110 on the 2013. The batter only has 4 bars and I...
  10. Klausstein

    Best way to charge an older (2013) Leaf with 4 battery bars left

    EV Rides. I reached back out to them and they are out of 24kWh packs. When they quoted me a fewl months ago they had inventory of 24s. A 40kWh from them is like $9k.
  11. Klausstein

    Best way to charge an older (2013) Leaf with 4 battery bars left

    35 miles. My work is 3 miles away. I don’t need much range. When the battery goes in a few years we have a place in Portland that does a 24kw replacement for $4k. The car was free plus I got a $650 check. So under $4k is all I will have in it. I also prefer to keep older cars going as long as...
  12. Klausstein

    Best way to charge an older (2013) Leaf with 4 battery bars left

    Sorry for the lat response. The car was manufactured 3/13. Here is a pic when the battery was below 30%
  13. Klausstein

    Beam off-grid charger

    That is really cool! I wonder if we will start seeing things like this pop up more and more. I personally hope so,
  14. Klausstein

    Best way to charge an older (2013) Leaf with 4 battery bars left

    My 2013's battery is pushing end of life. It only has 4 bars and keeps truckin' along. I will replace the battery, probably with a 40KW, when it is so far gone I can't get to work and back. We have a Juicebox wall charger for our 2020 SV+. What is the best way to charge to elongate the...
  15. Klausstein

    New to the EV/Leaf world. Love them so much I have 2.

    Lol. The 13 was free, and I couldn’t pass it up. I’ve totally fallen in love with both the 13 and the 20.
  16. Klausstein

    2013 leaf dash lights and strange codes help.

    Yeah. I only drive 6-12 miles a day with the car. The dash lights had me concerned, but after putting it through its paces (non-eco, AC on high, and on the freeway) I didn't notice any differences. I ran codes and no new codes showed up. I'm just figuring it is safe to drive until the batter...
  17. Klausstein

    Just got a 2013 Leaf that only has 4 bars left on the battery, how long will the battery last?

    They will replace the battery down here for less than $5K. Since I already used the tax credit on another car, and I got this one for better than free, I will drive it until it doesn't have the range I need, and have the battery replaced.
  18. Klausstein

    2013 leaf dash lights and strange codes help.

    Here’s one at 17%. I just drove the crap out of the car and it drove great. I’m starting to think these are end of battery life warnings. lol
  19. Klausstein

    2013 leaf dash lights and strange codes help.

    In all honesty, I’m just trying to figure out if it is safe to drive. I’m going to drive it until the batteries can’t get me the short distance I drive, then replace the whole traction battery.
  20. Klausstein

    Just got a 2013 Leaf that only has 4 bars left on the battery, how long will the battery last?

    I have reached out to them. I am just trying to get all I can out of this battery. Today some codes indicating I may need to replace sooner rather than later.