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  1. L

    Gas at 67 cents a gallon

    That is why I went with a second meter, E9b. $.066 /kWh, ~2cents/mile.
  2. L

    [PHASED-OUT]: Tracking the $5k California CVRP Fund

    I expect the fund to run out at ~1500 ZEV's which includes the extra $2M.
  3. L

    [PHASED-OUT]: Tracking the $5k California CVRP Fund

    For thosee trying to estimate when the fund will run out, here is some specific data with extrapolations (linear which is not going to happen and polynomial which may or may not reflect a production ramp): At this point, IMHO May is safe and likely up to mid-June (figuring 1500 cars).
  4. L

    Dealership Gouging for Orphan Leafs

    I am not surprised. I rememer the diesel Rabbit from the 70's gas crunch and what they were going for. You could sell it used for more than you paid for it new.
  5. L

    Are you sorry you bought a Leaf?

    My wife and I fight over who gets to drive the LEAF. We both really like it. The looser has to drive the BMW 335i convertable. :mrgreen:
  6. L

    Spreadsheet : VINs, Delivery Dates, Order Dates etc

    Thought this was pretty interesting, plotted VIN# vs Order date: Looks like VIN's are now being assigned by order/reservation date.
  7. L

    Driving range display 'changes' after NTB11038 Svc Campaign

    This would explain something I observed after ~4200ft of regen (coming down from Mt. Hamilton). When I got to the bottom, I reset my mile/kWh display. Drove on essentially flat land where I get 5.8-6.0 miles/kWh, but when I got home (~16 miles of driving on the flat land), the display...
  8. L

    Driving range display 'changes' after NTB11038 Svc Campaign

    I was thinking something similar. Allow the display to be toggled between "last mile average", "last 5 mile average", "last 10 mile average", "average since you reset your mi/kWhr". Something like that. Then it allows me to estimate when driving conditions change but are expected to be that...
  9. L

    Math Class Statistical Survey

    First time EV owner Don't really buy "green" stuff (unless you count vegetables). I did buy a new refrigerator recently that I think was energy star rated. I figured you needed someone at the far end of the statistical distribution. :D
  10. L

    Easy way to charge during day and timer at night?

    If your EVSE has a timer, I would time that for you 12am to 6am, then push the timer off button when you get home. Use the car timer for work hours 8am to 6pm and it will charge whenever it is plugged in.
  11. L

    [PHASED-OUT]: Tracking the $5k California CVRP Fund

    CARB rule could still be based on make/model/year. 2011 LEAF = $5k, 2012 LEAF = $2500 (or whatever), 2011 Tesla roadster = $$, 2012 Tesla roadster = $. I suppose it still does not prevent these values changing from year to year, but as a policy, they should be able to keep them unchanged.
  12. L

    [PHASED-OUT]: Tracking the $5k California CVRP Fund

    Don't know if this suggestion has already been made, but there are a lot of lot of future LEAF buyers waiting and very worried about the availability of the $5k rebate. While we know that we will be put in line for a rebate if the pool runs out, the uncertainty of the future amout of the rebate...
  13. L

    My Mountain Top Experience - Mt. Hamilton/Lick Observatory

    On flat land, eco mode, surface streets, I get about 5.8mi/kWhr. So given that I used about 16 kWhr on this trip , I'd expect about 20 miles more range for same condition on flat ground.
  14. L

    My Mountain Top Experience - Mt. Hamilton/Lick Observatory

    On the 8% grade, about 20 mph, on the 4.5% grade up to the top, about 25 mph. The road is very curvy, so this was typical. On the surface roads before getting to the climb, average speed was about 30mph. So overall, very little wind drag on my trip.
  15. L

    NIssan Quality, Not Impressed

    At the risk of being a fanboy myself, I have to say after >700 miles, I have no worries either. I plan on keeping my LEAF for a LONG (LONG4LEAF) time, so I will report again at 100,000 miles. :D
  16. L

    My Mountain Top Experience - Mt. Hamilton/Lick Observatory

    Well I suppose everyone has their mountain to climb, and mine was going to Lick Observatory on Mt Hamilton. So I decided to go for a Sunday (well actually Saturday) drive just for the fun of it. It's a little bit of "me too", but here is my experience: -- Left home (Sunnyvale) with a full...
  17. L

    Deliveries On Hold?

    I never saw what city you are in. Can you say?
  18. L

    Regeneration strategy

    You could just look at the SOC bars. If there are 12 of them lit, it is ~100%. If there are 10 of them lit, it is ~80%. If you get email notification, it tells you when the charging stopped and how many bars you have. I have been charging to 80%, email aways say charget to 10 out of 12 bars...
  19. L

    Deliveries On Hold?

    My SWAG is that they are holding the cars to straighten out the delivery sequencing mistake, waiting for some more LEAFs to get here so they can deliver at least somewhat in order (which I think is the right thing to do). If this is the case, I think it is a big mistake to let customers think...
  20. L

    Blink "charging anxiety"

    I have done this (Blink=charge on connection, LEAF=charge timer) with no problems so far. Have had it a week.