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  1. I

    HOW-TO: 2018 Leaf ZE1 OEM headunit replacement (7" -> 8")

    The connector plugs in just fine, and even charges my phone, just doesn't get recognized by my head unit to do Android Auto. Will try again once I get a replacement unit
  2. I

    HOW-TO: 2018 Leaf ZE1 OEM headunit replacement (7" -> 8")

    Following up to this, I was able to wire everything up, and the 8 inch 2022 unit (2591A-6WK2C) worked however looks like it had some damage on the screen on the left hand side. Got some canbus errors too, but after cross checking my wiring with the ones linked here before, it looks like I need...
  3. I

    HOW-TO: 2018 Leaf ZE1 OEM headunit replacement (7" -> 8")

    I have a 2019 model SV with 7 inch display, planning to go to a 2022 8 inch unit I found. Seeing as the NA models don't have the security lock, it should just be a matter of the wiring, yes?
  4. I

    Replacing 2019 SV headunit

    I've seen a thread here of someone replacing their 7 inch unit for an 8 inch. I'm wanting to do the same for mine as it refuses to recognize my phone for Android Auto. I had to jump through hoops to get it to work with my AAWireless dongle, and as of my latest phone reset I cannot get it to work...