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  1. J

    E-NV200 Leafspy Pro Daytime Running Light feature request

    Having bought a Carista OBD2 dongle for Leafspy Pro, I stumbled on the Carista diagnose app having a service feature to turn off the DRL on the E-NV200. Is there a chance this could be implemented into Leafspy Pro? It would be handy for the E-NV200 camper converters who wish to turn them off at...
  2. J

    Leaf Spy and Leaf Spy Pro

    The only way i can get the odometer in leafspy pro to show the correct milage figure, is having the overall app units set to m/km/kmh. Weirdly the 'odometer in miles' checkbox isnt there all the time and when it is, it makes no difference. If I set the units to feet, mile, mph the odometer...