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  1. T

    Importing US Leafs to Canada - CARWINGS

    The 'software fix' no longer works, because Nissan Corporate axed 2011-2015 TCU Unit# I.D.'s from their database, and refuse to let them talk to their NissanConnect server, even though 2G still worked in canada. Many of use enjoyed a month more 2G access (after the AT&T shutdown) before NISSAN...
  2. T

    Telematics upgrade for US import to Canada

    I will attempt to get this information from the TCU engineer I have been in communication with. Will post when I have it.
  3. T

    Telematics upgrade for US import to Canada

    I will be very curious to hear how this turns out for you. Please keep us in the loop, here and document the process you went through (where possible) so some of use might follow in your footsteps!
  4. T

    Telematics upgrade for US import to Canada

    So I am guessing that this part was the modem portion of the TCU, and that it is a 3G unit? If it was a 2G unit, then the Nissan Connect Portal will not recognize/acknowledge the TCU-ID#, and you will get those errors (unable to accept agreement in Carwings when adding the vehicle to MyGarage...
  5. T

    Telematics upgrade for US import to Canada

    I am currently touch with a keen, highly proactive, Nissan Engineer, who is willing to escalate this issue in the company. He also gave me an avenue (which I will share at a later date, after confirming some details) to possibly replace a portion of the TCU at much less cost than the full TCU...
  6. T

    Importing US Leafs to Canada - CARWINGS

    If this is from a 3rd party company, they probably don't have access to the recent TCU upgrade parts, so I am rather curious, was it a 2016 Model Year Part? Because 2011-2015 were all 2G only. No point in swapping if it doesn't default to 3G. If it doesn't work you, you can use our software...
  7. T

    NissanConnect EV / Telematics Hardware Update, for the post-2G world

    Is NISSANCONNECT currently down at the server level? I was able to pre-heat the cabin of my car at 7am EST, but since 11am EST there has been no communication with the server. My car cannot connect either, so it's not just the typically flakey app.
  8. T

    Importing US Leafs to Canada - CARWINGS

    Curious to see how that works out. Local dealership quoted me $1900 and $600 install. That is why I went the 'no new hardware route.'
  9. T

    Telematics upgrade for US import to Canada

    My version of the 'Canadian 2G Fix' differs a bit from chivalryx's, but it also worked. It can be found here:
  10. T

    Telematics upgrade for US import to Canada

    Thanks to you HUGE for this, chivalryx! :D :D :D Currently I'm easily able to access and use all functionality (Climate Control, Data, State of Charge, etc. etc.) from the website. I'm getting email status updates when Climate Change is On and Off. The NissanEV iphone APP remains very...
  11. T

    Importing US Leafs to Canada - CARWINGS

    Success. VIA THIS FORUM. I'm reposting the work-around here from the other thread in this forum in my own words Re: Telematics upgrade for US import to Canada ( ) Log into Nissan Connect Website...
  12. T

    Importing US Leafs to Canada - CARWINGS

    I have joined (and commented) on that Facebook Page. I will continue to track specific people inside the Nissan Corporation until someone with enough authority says, "MAKE IT SO" and hopefully, a REASONABLE compromise to 'drive down to another country for a few days' or pay >$2500 is reached.
  13. T

    NissanConnect EV / Telematics Hardware Update, for the post-2G world

    Word. My ongoing issues with getting customer service for a USA Leaf in Canada has sent a clear message from Nissan-USA, Nissan-Canada and EVSupport: "WE DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU."
  14. T

    Importing US Leafs to Canada - CARWINGS

    I'm not expecting the DEALER network to support the car. I am expecting NISSAN CORPORATE, to support their customers who purchase their vehicles, and are likely to purchase their vehicles in the future. And enable the DEALERSHIPS to make the customers happy. The customer feels taken care of. The...
  15. T

    Importing US Leafs to Canada - CARWINGS

    I love my LEAF a lot. I've got 50,000km on the vehicle and it runs great. I've never had a service issue (Battery lost a bar at approx. 35,000km, but this was certainly in line with expectations.) and have put new tires on the car, but otherwise the vehicle operated as promised. This is good...
  16. T

    Importing US Leafs to Canada - CARWINGS

    I hear you there. Upon further discussion with my local dealership the actual cost is (in Canadian $): $1921.35 + $600 Install + HST (ontario taxes) = $2849.13
  17. T

    Importing US Leafs to Canada - CARWINGS

    I'm in Greater Toronto.
  18. T

    Importing US Leafs to Canada - CARWINGS

    Yes I bought this used (but the situation could very well be that I lived in the UNITED STATES, then moved to Canada and brought the car with me, lots of people are mobile in thier careers and do this). My previous car was a new 2003 Nissan Maxima SE. The relevant point being: When customers are...
  19. T

    Importing US Leafs to Canada - CARWINGS

    I remain committed to pestering as many Nissan executives, customer support specialists, and HR managers until I get some customer satisfaction on this issue. At the end, I will be happily tallying up the amount of time I have occupied of high paid professionals and Nissan executives, when...
  20. T

    Importing US Leafs to Canada - CARWINGS

    "Dear Kurt, Thank you for contacting Nissan LEAF Customer Support. We appreciate hearing from you. I am very sorry for the inconvenience. Nissan understands that AT&T has announced plans to terminate its 2G network coverage as of December 31, 2016. AT&T is a third party that Nissan does...