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  1. L

    Any way to add back the 80% battery charge stop option to 2015 Leaf?

    Would the leadspy pro do that? I have the top model so use the internal computer to set and forget, but perhaps the app can do it automatically?
  2. L

    where are leaf service manuals?

    I am for sure.
  3. L

    Gen 1 vs Gen 2, 62kWh Degradation, and other questions

    The 2014 late model has the new battery as well, and the heatpump! G pack.
  4. L

    Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) and brake system warning light

    Hi. I am doing this work next week when this part arrive from China, but on it, once you remove the sensor, brake fluid would most probably start leaking? How did u manage it? BTW, my 2014 has only one sensor and as a curiosity, both lights, yellow braking warning light and VDC lit on after...
  5. L

    BMS and bad cell

    Hi everyone. Just bought a 2014 Leaf with 10 bars, 55k kms, G , 24kw. I can get about 129kms with 100% charged and on average 94kms with 80%, more than enough for 2 days work trips. I most leave it at 80% max charge set-up, and 80% of the time slow charge overnight. So far loving it. I have...