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My Nissan Leaf Forum

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  1. N

    Possible dirty or bent contacts on EVSE plug?

    I have used OEM EVSE to charge my 2012 Leaf daily for 3 years, first on 120v and then 240v with EVSEupgrade. I've had a couple of Faults which corrected by unplugging the AC and re-plugging, and otherwise smooth sailing. The plug has seemed to have a bit of binding as I plug and unplug it during...
  2. N

    Charging timer day question

    Suppose I have my charging timer set to start at 12 AM and end at 12 AM, charge continuously. I have set the timers to charge to 80% on Monday through Friday and 100% on Saturday and Sunday. I'm at 50% charge when I plug it into my L1 EVSE at 10 PM on Friday night. Will it charge to 80% (the...
  3. N

    LEAF to Home

    Newbie here. First post! Thanks for all of the good information that's been provided by you enthusiastic LEAFers! I've learned a lot reading through various threads. My dealer told me about LEAF to House project that Nissan is working on in Japan. Your LEAF can supply electricity to the home on...