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  1. S

    Nissan one or two year owner; how is the battery life going?

    Thank you Nfuzzy. Shall try to play with the settings a bit over the week end..
  2. S

    Nissan one or two year owner; how is the battery life going?

    i remembered to unplug it from power at 100% in the evening and it did make a difference of about 4 miles or so after stabilizing initially. Usually drops like a rock in the first few miles to 88% but today it was ~92%! Thanks
  3. S

    Nissan one or two year owner; how is the battery life going?

    "Seems a bit too much to me. I don't have your SoC indicator with my 2012, but when I watch mine (Leaf Spy Pro) in the morning, I go from about 94% LSSoC (LeafSpy SoC) to 90%or 89% traveling about 3 miles thru town (30+MPH). Not sure tho if that 100% of yours is a real number? I always question...
  4. S

    Nissan one or two year owner; how is the battery life going?

    UPDATE: today it came back to "normal" and wasn't dropping on the battery percentage. Forgot to unplug the charger after 100% percent charge overnight; need to quickly figure out the scheduled charging in manual. Is it usual that 100% to 91% battery percentage drops in 2miles of regular (no...
  5. S

    Nissan one or two year owner; how is the battery life going?

    "due to his tendency to charge it at 100% and let it sit overnight daily." I didnt know that... thank you. I charge at 100% with a 220V nightly and leave it plugged. I just noticed this morning that the percentage from 100 to 88 drop very fassst (within 2miles or so with my regular driving...
  6. S

    Nissan one or two year owner; how is the battery life going?

    Hi, Thank for all the replies. I am in California and my commute is 70 miles round trip. About 6 miles being city and majorly highway. The route i take is not crazy stop and go all the time but decent 60 mph for at least half of it and rest is not predictable. I was worried that my battery may...
  7. S

    Nissan one or two year owner; how is the battery life going?

    Hi, I am a new happy 2015 Nissan leafer. I get a good feel factor driving it wrt not gas guzzling but miss my SUV driving a bit. Especially when folks almost tailgate and stare even when going in the far most right lane or middle lane around speed limit. Well can't make everybody happy...