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  1. K

    Nissan's Solid-state Batteries

    Solid state is real and is in the pipeline. Nissan committed to start deploying them in a vehicle by 2028. Look for twice the range and greatly reduced charge times. That's just the start. Toyota is promising even more than that... and it is believable but further off. Samsung overcame the big...
  2. K

    2018 LEAF Test Drive Events

    The extenders should be gone for 18MY. Replaced by slide on rod type sunvisors. Please don't just look. Please operate them.
  3. K

    NISSAN to abandon CHAdeMO in favor of CCS?

    Regarding the InsideEVs article. I just posted this information there in the comments to attempt to dispel unwarranted rumors. "There appears to be some misunderstanding. For the record I never said CHAdeMO was on the way out and never meant to imply it. I was only attempting to point out that...
  4. K

    The Kochs Are Plotting A Multimillion-Dollar Assault On Electric Vehicles

    FYI, here is a report on how the Koch brothers media campaign is proceeding.
  5. K

    Is the last 10 miles, really 10 miles ?

    Unfortunately the distance to empty algorithm is not capable of reading minds. Yet it has to deal with situations such as these: -Scenario 1: a) Drive at 75 mph until last fifteen miles b) Then get off freeway and drive gently at 25 mph. -Scenario 2: a) Drive at 25 mph until last...
  6. K

    Make a call using car audio

    Have you checked the compatibility list? Not all phones, or features of phones are compatible. This is usually due to the Bluetooth consortium having poor standards for interoperability. Each phone maker then does their own thing.
  7. K

    The Kochs Are Plotting A Multimillion-Dollar Assault On Electric Vehicles

    I would never defend Obama or Congress. They are both a part of the one-party system that the Kochs helped create. Although executive orders can be used to do wonderful things, like Teddy Roosevelt creating the National Parks, I believe Obama has abused the privilege. Although I hope the...
  8. K

    The Kochs Are Plotting A Multimillion-Dollar Assault On Electric Vehicles

    Really? I hope you have not closed your mind because here are some examples. 1. Koch brothers helped create the government by buying elections. a. By buying elections they have corrupted the system. b. This same buying of elections by plutocrats is happening on the left and right. Both...
  9. K

    The Kochs Are Plotting A Multimillion-Dollar Assault On Electric Vehicles

    This is not a valid argument. Take a despotic government for example. They may greatly reduce crime rates through fear, intimidation and violence. However the evil they cause greatly outweighs the good. It is similar with the Koch bros. The good they contribute is greatly outweighed by the...
  10. K

    Nissan LEAF / NissanConnect EV severe security vulnerability

    FYI, the NissanConnect EV website appears to be working. Just use your web browser to go to Remote access is still possible.
  11. K

    The Kochs Are Plotting A Multimillion-Dollar Assault On Electric Vehicles

    I am not a leftist. I used to be a staunch conservative before realizing the one-party system run by corporations and plutocrats is destroying this nation. Plutocrats like the Koch's and Soros buy elections and corrupt the system.
  12. K

    The Kochs Are Plotting A Multimillion-Dollar Assault On Electric Vehicles

    Here is a link to an organization I am a part of. There is a lot of stuff in there but scroll down and there will be a number of articles referring to how solar is being killed in AZ and how dark money has bought elections to make it possible.
  13. K

    The Kochs Are Plotting A Multimillion-Dollar Assault On Electric Vehicles

    2 Corinthians 11:14 No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Meanwhile dark money, with Koch fingerprints on it, has bought elections in Arizona, including the governor and members of the Corporation Commission. Those elected are in the process of killing solar power.
  14. K

    Turning off timer

    Timer override turns the timer off for that charging session. 11MY will stop charging at 100% or 80% depending on which was selected.
  15. K

    AT&T 2G Death => No Clock

    +1 Center display clocks on all navi equipped from 2011 on are set by GPS time. Eyebrow clock on 2013 and newer navi equipped are also. Non-navi and 2011 and 2012 eyebrow clocks are set manually.
  16. K

    Turning off timer

    The auto power window up function for the driver's window will be disabled if you do this. Just hold the power window switch in the up position for about five seconds to reset it.
  17. K

    Does the Eco mode really reduce Climate Control power usage?

    11/12 MY ECO mode did limit climate control power consumption. 13 MY and on do not. Note the DTE increases 10% when engaging ECO mode in 11/12 MY. It only increases 6% on 13 MY and newer. This is to reflect the revised climate control logic.
  18. K

    Headlights that see better to the side?

    FYI, I've had 11MY, 13MY and currently 15MY with LED headlights. I could see no difference between them. The only change was that the 11MY had a headlight up/down adjustment switch which was deleted for 13MY.
  19. K

    No Charge to Charge SCAM?

    I always check first on the EZCharge website. I've used Blink NCTC charge stations in my area and have not had any issue. Not every station is NCTC so I check carefully before plugging in. I check to see that it says it is on the touch screen in addition to...