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  1. keydiver

    B1018 Code - Passenger Seat sensor

    Has anyone else had a problem with the occupancy sensor in their passenger seat going bad? I had the dealer quote me $2000 to replace the COMPLETE SEAT! :shock: When this happened in my Prius, this was simply a matter of recalibrating the sensor, but evidently the way Nissan does it you have to...
  2. keydiver

    A/C fails when parked in heat/sun

    For the past few months I've noticed an issue with my 2012 Leaf, which I don't ever recall seeing in another thread so I thought I'd throw it out here: when I'm sitting in my Leaf waiting for my wife, "idling" with the A/C on, in the heat of the day in south Florida, the A/C seems to go very...
  3. keydiver

    Kill-A-Watt P3 on sale cheap

    This is the best price I think I've ever seen on the Kill-A-Watt P3. If you've been looking for a chance to buy one, its only $16.99 after promo code EMCYTZT3638" onclick=";return false; I have 2 of them, and lend...
  4. keydiver

    Is the Arduino kit for me?

    Although I'm quite the electronics geek, my big weak spot is C+ programming. (I can read and modify it, but not write it from scratch). For a new product I am developing, I need to sample 4 to 6 analog voltages, all scaled down 0-5 VDC, and selectively display the rescaled readings on the front...
  5. keydiver

    Schneider EVSE and charge timer questions

    I'm having issues with getting my Leaf to charge most days when I first plug it in. I keep trying different timer settings, and even the timer override switch, but the car still won't charge. Here's what *usually* happens: 1) When I shut the car off, the dash indicates "Charge Timer: ON", all...
  6. keydiver

    Kill-a-Watt for only $16.95

    For those of you who don't know what the Kill a Watt is, it is a nice wattage/kWhR monitor that you can plug any 120 VAC appliance into, to check its power draw, and longterm kW/Hr usage. Its great to find those "phantom loads" in your house, or calculate your energy consumption. NewEgg is...
  7. keydiver

    215 watt panels for only 78 cents per watt!

    I just noticed that Sun Electronics is clearing out their Evergreen ES-E-210 and 215 watt panels for only 78 cents per watt! They also have LG Solar 220 watt panels for 88 cents/watt. Both are Polycrystalline I believe. If I hadn't just put together a bid for Canadian Solar 230 watt panels I...
  8. keydiver

    LEAF tax credit and solar tax credit question

    I just put down my $99 deposit, and also just completed a 7.5kw solar PV system on my garage roof. IF I am able to get delivery of my Leaf yet this year, it would mean that I will be filing for both a 30% solar tax credit and the $7500 EV tax credit in the same year. I asked my accountant today...