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  1. S

    Official Ford C-MAX Energi PHEV thread

    How much would this cost to lease?? Saleem
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    Clarification on Federal Rebate

    Hello, One quick clarification on the federal rebate -- is it 30% off the total cost or is it 30% of the total cost less state rebates and other incentives. I am specially interested in hearing from people who have installed the system and successfully gotten the deduction when they did their...
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    Does Solar Increase Home Value

    Hello, Curious to hear opinions on the topic....I would like to believe yes but I think the answer is a no.... Saleem
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    Home Orientation for Solar

    Hello, So far one installer (Solar City) has said Solar will not work out for me due to trees. One said I might have to cut a few trees. Another said it is good. But none has actually visited the site yet!! I do have a quote for $3.5/Watt in Connecticut before rebates (Encon). For a 10kW...
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    Is this Solar Deal good??

    Hello, Another issue is how can I independently verify that the system will produce as much power as the installer claims....of course the amount of energy produced will affect the payback period. Saleem
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    Compact Flourescent Lights

    Hello, How do these manufacturers know that there LEDs will last 20 years?? Do the energy savings warrant the higher cost? Saleem
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    Is this Solar Deal good??

    Hello, Please can you explain the rationale behind "If you are going to move in a few years, use the Fronius. If you plan on staying, Enphase M215." Thanks, Saleem
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    Compact Flourescent Lights

    Hello, Is it worth swapping out my incandescents for CFLs or LEDs?? I hear these things do not last anywhere as long as advertized and some don't even last longer than incandescents. Thanks, Saleem
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    Is this Solar Deal good??

    The quote I have from them is for a 9.36 kW system with 39 panels. Cost is $3.5 / watt. The panels are SolarWorld 240 Inverter is Fronius Saleem
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    Is this Solar Deal good??

    Hello, They seem to be using some Fronuis Inverter. Question is what is the difference in a system that uses a micro inverter instead in terms of cost and performance?? Saleem
  11. S

    Is this Solar Deal good??

    Hello, Curious to hear comments about --" onclick=";return false; Also opinion on lease vs buy... Saleem
  12. S

    Is this Solar Deal good??

    Hello, Curious to hear comments about --" onclick=";return false; Also opinion on lease vs buy... Saleem
  13. S

    Official Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV SUV thread

    Any guess as to how much this would cost?? If the price is right, we would live to have this to complement the leaf?? Will the generator be sufficient to power the home as well?? Saleem
  14. S

    Volt (or other SUV) that can do 30 miles on Electric??

    Hello, I know Volt has a concept SUV that can do 30 miles on Electric and then goes gas. This would be a really nice complement to my Nissan Leaf. I wonder if there are any other SUVs that can do 30 miles or so on Electric and then go on gas?? Saleem
  15. S

    Extra Battery Option

    Generator can power the motor directly instead of charging the battery. This is what happens in the Volt. But one possibility is that you rent the generator from your Nissan dealer and then return it after that long trip. So you don't pay for it when you buy the leaf. Saleem
  16. S

    Typical cost of installing 220v outlet

    How do I determine if the breaker box has enough capacity?? I have available slots. I will be programming my leaf to only charge at night when everything else is off. I have already installed the outlet box. I am going to connect the timed wire from the outlet and take it all the way to the...
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    Transmitting data to Nissan -- permanently accept

    Hello, Every time I turn my leaf on, it says needs to transmit data to Nissan. Can I permanently accept so it does not ask me every time?? Saleem
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    Typical cost of installing 220v outlet

    Are there many types of 220v outlets. Which one do I need?? I am getting the Schnieder EVSE from Home Depot?? What is romex -- is this just the wire. Again what kind do I need?? I understand it should have four wires including the ground -- one ground, one neutral, two live. What gauge?? Also it...
  19. S

    Typical cost of installing 220v outlet

    There is one wall between garage and basement -- not too complicated. And I would say length is 15 to 20 ft. We are based on Vonnecticut. Saleem
  20. S

    Typical cost of installing 220v outlet

    Hello, Out of curiosity what is the typical cost of installing a 220V outlet?? There are available slots in the box for additional circuit breakers. Saleem