2012 not charging @120v, help a newbie?

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New member
Nov 15, 2018
Just bought a 2012 with 9/12 battery.
Charged by Chademo on way home great.
At home with 10km left and it doesn't charge from home extn cord.
Charger lights up green ready but doesn't go to charge. No error
Car beeps once when connected but dash lights don't blink, display doesn't show connected.
Do these only Level 1 charge on timer or above low battery level?
No manual with car, am I doing anything wrong? Any ideas?
Just bought a 2012 with 9/12 battery.
Charged by Chademo on way home great.
At home with 10km left and it doesn't charge from home extn cord.
Charger lights up green ready but doesn't go to charge. No error
Car beeps once when connected but dash lights don't blink, display doesn't show connected.
Do these only Level 1 charge on timer or above low battery level?
No manual with car, am I doing anything wrong? Any ideas?
Kinda having the same issue only my 12 volt doesn't hold a charge and apparently it needs to operate the electrical system for the car to charge but i also would like an answer on this. Cool that we have similar questions not cool our cars are inoperative
Just bought a 2012 with 9/12 battery.
Charged by Chademo on way home great.
At home with 10km left and it doesn't charge from home extn cord.
Charger lights up green ready but doesn't go to charge. No error
Car beeps once when connected but dash lights don't blink, display doesn't show connected.
Do these only Level 1 charge on timer or above low battery level?
No manual with car, am I doing anything wrong? Any ideas?
What Level 1 charging device do you have? Make and model?

I would try charging from several public Level 2 charging stations to make sure that part of your car is working. If that works, then the problem could be with your Level 1 charging device.

Also, you mentioned using an extension cord for charging? If you are using a light duty extension cord together with your Level 1 charging device, then that cord may be creating the problem. Try using the charging device without an extension cord from a different power receptacle/outlet.

I am not sure what country you are from, but you can get a copy of the US 2012 Nissan Leaf manual here: