2017 Hatchback door does not want to stay open?

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Active member
Jan 2, 2020
Chandler, AZ
Hi all,

Has anyone else seen this? my 2017 Hatchback door no longer wants to stay in the open position. For example, when unloading groceries: You take a bag or two inside and by the time you are back at the car, the door has closed itself.

Anyone else experienced this? Is it an easy fix?
My last '13 Leaf had those struts leak oil (Nissan calls them stays). I got them replaced free once under warranty and IIRC, again under the 1 year/12K mile parts warranty. I think I forgot to check again within the next 1 year/12K miles. :(

They didn't get weak to the point where the hatch wouldn't stay open.