$4000 tax break? Has anyone gotten it on a used Leaf?

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Great advise! Thank you
And if through a dealer whats the best way? Tell them? As some are not informed or educated
What do you do at the dealer if so?
Thank you!!!
Discovered that if you buy private party and use Keysavvy.com they can apply the Federal Used EV Tax Credit immediately to the used purchase price. Their fee is $90 for Seller, $90 for Buyer, or one party can pay both fees. Just need to persuade your Seller to use the service...
Thats great! … how do you actually literally apply it on that site? I opened the site but it doesn't say anything about the rebate. Let me know any info !! Thank you so much
Also having read that … what used leaf year is best to get then???? Besides the newest ones
It depends. If your range needs are modest, then a 2015-2016 24kwh Leaf is usually a good bet. The 2013 Leaf, which is pretty Old now, offers more features like the 80% charge option. Just make sure the battery is good and it wasn't built before April or May of 2013. If you can find a 2016 or 2017 30kwh Leaf with a PROVEN good battery (you have to range test it and not rely on LeafSpy), then the range is more like 75-90 miles than the 24kwh's typical range of maybe 60 miles in Summer. If you need more range, then it gets even more complicated, because the 40kwh battery, while initially great, has recently been subject to failing cells...
Hello! Can you guide me on getting a used leaf?! :):) im looking right now and realize i can do what you had done. Please let me know who or what to contact or research. Any leads are amazing! Thsnk you in advance
Well.....I'm in Oregon & that was last May....The Oregon program is really tight on getting the rebate...Last year it opened on May 1st & was gone before the end of May (2 Million available rebate total)....I was on it and had pre-applied for the program + had a car found by May 5th....So I got it. The Fed rebate will most likely be killed this year.....so I think it will be up to the States to move forward......

As far as Range....I got a 40KW car & have been very happy with it...we go into town (20 miles) and back home, so a recharge every couple of days works....I'm a retired mechanic, so I'm on recycler auction websites looking for a good 62KW donor car.....looking for a auction that's close, hit in the right way (butt-end--but not too bad) & in the right year. When I get all of them in line---I'll bid like crazy to get it....then get it home....strip it & transfer the 62KW parts to my SV.....then sell the rest on eBay.....
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I got my 2024 "used" SV Plus with the 60KW battery for $22,600/$25,500 OTD. It had only 622 miles on it. I smiled all the way home and am still smiling. Unfortunately, we did not qualify for any rebates since as we near retirement, our salaries are pretty high, and investments are paying off. We also live in a zip code not on the list for the EVSE rebate. But the sticker was $38,800 so I'm still tickled pink with the deal we got and I'm madly in love with our LEAF. Every time I drive it, I feel like I'm driving a part of the future.
I just looked into this. KeySavvy is a licensed dealer, so you can get the tax credit, as long as you qualify.
Attached the end of Oct 2024, I bought a '21 Leaf SL from Enterprise Car sales w/ 24,000miles and received $4000 tax credit at purchase. $16,000 total cost.