A peek at the Leaf's Charger

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Herm said:
A couple of questions...

1. what is a brake capacitor?

2. How do they handle L3 charging, any details?

If you order the L3 port then perhaps you can also use it for charging at 6.6kw, with an external charger that sits on the wall of your garage.

The brake capacitor is a backup power supply for the hydraulic braking system so that in the event of total power failure or system shutdown you would still have enough power to stop the car safely. The hydraulic braking system uses a pump to generate boost pressure so you can have reasonable pedal force with disc brakes.

The DC fast charge (technically there is not yet a L3 "standard") is essentially off-board. The car sends a serial message to the off-board charger letting it know how much power to send and when to stop. Yes, if you buy a DC fast charger then you could charge at up to 30kW depending on the limitations of the charger (and the power fed into your house).

I got mine at Mouser, but it was the last one and they are out of stock now.

It's a little bulky, but seems to work ok.


I did a little Google search for Nichicon and came up with this little tidbit.

Input power of 3.6kW, but the conversion efficiency of 90%, so the output power of 3.3kW. In addition, 90% of the conversion efficiency of the charger in the car at a high level. Chargers internal use of the motor and inverter cooling water into the internal water-cooled. By circulating water around 60 deg c temperature rise suppression circuit.

Ingineer said:
The DC fast charge (technically there is not yet a L3 "standard") is essentially off-board. The car sends a serial message to the off-board charger letting it know how much power to send and when to stop. Yes, if you buy a DC fast charger then you could charge at up to 30kW depending on the limitations of the charger (and the power fed into your house).


Thanks Phil, the serial protocol has been published?.. get hold of the connector and you could have a portable DC charger that plugs into an RV hookup and charge at 12kw
Saw this thread this morning again and looked up the part number from the first photo on everythingnissan.com. The charger costs $1,720 list and $1,397 discount price... Interesting...

Randy said:
Saw this thread this morning again and looked up the part number from the first photo on everythingnissan.com. The charger costs $1,720 list and $1,397 discount price... Interesting...


Yes, I posted the price on several threads here along with other components. I heard some silly excuses that Nissan engineers told someone as to why it was not larger, based on the comments for changing from the original 6.6 back to 3.3 I would say they need to find a more competent supplier as the reason indicated poor engineering excuses VS anything to do with the pack or cost. Too bad we can't upgrade even when a 6.6 comes out without rewiring the car.
They COULD offer a "6.6 kW" direct replacement, but several months back Nissan indicated that they had found a smaller, less expensive "6.6" unit, and that they hoped to fit it into the front of the LEAF.
Well, at this point given my current lack of at-home charging while I wait for My PU to install my new meter, thus being limited to only trickle charge plus the no-rule-against-it-but-don't situation at work I can tell you quite straight between having to wait 3 hours at a Nissan Dealership just for enough charge to get home and having to leave my car at @MOMsOrganicMrkt last night, walk home in the bitter cold carrying my groceries, including a full-sized Watermellon, an hour march to the house, then another hour march today before 6am to pick up my CO2 Fre LEAF all because I lost an hour of charging due to a GFCI fault at the ChargePoint unit meaning there wouldn't be enoug time to fill the pack sufficiently so that the remaining trickle charge at the house would fill the pack to 100% by 5am while still getting a sufficient night's sleep, all I can say is:

My LEAF needs a f#^*% 6.6kW Charger!!!
Yikes... sounds awful and about as much fun as fire ants.

Have you no neighbor who might let you plug in (for a fee) for an entire night on their power? I guess I don't understand your situation well enough, but you certainly have my sympathies.

I am blessed to work for the best company to work for in the US, and the #2 multinational company in the world (according to the "best places to work institute"). We are to have a couple of L2 EVSEs (GE??) installed this week at our newest building (a mile walk for me, but there you go). We will be able to have a 4 hour charge window, free to us (I found out yesterday). That new building's parking lot is wired to accept 10 L2's eventually. They are looking around for ways to retrofit older buildings' parking lots (I'm in one from the 90s - state of the art at the time, but nobody was thinking about wiring parking lots back then).

I think I am the only employee in our NC headquarters to own a Leaf. A guy in our company in Texas owns a Volt.

The non-policy policy at your work just sounds stupid (but you don't need me to tell you that). :?
TimeHorse said:
and having to leave my car at @MOMsOrganicMrkt last night, walk home in the bitter cold carrying my groceries, including a full-sized watermelon, an hour march to the house..

I would have ditched the watermelon.. perhaps its time to get a folding bike for the back of the Leaf.
I recommend you only buy compact Japanese square watermelons. Perhaps that's what Nissan wants? ;)

http://nowthatsnifty.blogspot.com/2010/05/square-watermelons.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
mwalsh said:
I recommend you only buy compact Japanese square watermelons. Perhaps that's what Nissan wants? ;)

http://nowthatsnifty.blogspot.com/2010/05/square-watermelons.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
+1 for square watermelons. They fit much better in the refrigerator!
DarkStar said:
mwalsh said:
I recommend you only buy compact Japanese square watermelons. Perhaps that's what Nissan wants? ;)

http://nowthatsnifty.blogspot.com/2010/05/square-watermelons.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
+1 for square watermelons. They fit much better in the refrigerator!

Tough crowd....tough crowd!! :lol: :lol: :lol: