I joke all the time, prior to having my Leaf I had a black 2000 Toyota Celica GTS for years, never had an issue, never an accident. My wife (then gf) hated the car and knew that I was going to get killed in that car. After a few years of listening to the nagging I sold the car and bought the Leaf. 4th day of Leaf ownership, the car had 120 miles, an impatient lady in a BMW X5 decided to park in the back seat of the Leaf. The lady lied about the accident and I sued her (and put dash cams in all my cars). I had a coworker serve the small claims paperwork and she served the wrong person (lady who hit me moved, new resident was served) the property manager called me to let me know and asked me to come pickup the paperwork. After getting the paperwork and the lady's new address I was on my way home and got rear ended again by a kid with no license. A few years pass and I have another lady who was in the wrong lane and decided to cut across several lanes to make her turn (as they say, a bad driver never misses their turn/exit), even with me blaring my aftermarket horn the lady takes out the front bumper of the Leaf.
Aside from those incidents I have had a rock through the plastic grill which caused none of the pro-pilot or safety features to work. I have had to replace the windshield 3 times (at about $800 a piece) due to rocks and random cracking. I currently have a good chip that popped up only 2 days after the last windshield replacement.
My question is, is this all just me being a magnet for misfortune, or are these cars harder to see for some reason (its much, much bigger than my celica was) and therefore more accident prone?
Aside from those incidents I have had a rock through the plastic grill which caused none of the pro-pilot or safety features to work. I have had to replace the windshield 3 times (at about $800 a piece) due to rocks and random cracking. I currently have a good chip that popped up only 2 days after the last windshield replacement.
My question is, is this all just me being a magnet for misfortune, or are these cars harder to see for some reason (its much, much bigger than my celica was) and therefore more accident prone?