Human nature! Go to any internal combustion site and start talking about "oil" and watch the fireworks. Same here with charging. Those that have a cell failure or battery failure will always worry that they caused it.
Very hard to prove/disprove any choice as there are way to many variables to have two identical vehicles/ batteries and have a side by side test.
Sooner or later no matter what, you are going to charge to 100% or discharge to less than 20%.
With a slightly depleted battery, I try to recharge what I use that day, bouncing between less then 100% to whatever. In the year I have been doing it, I have seen no loss in range, but I don't sweat if it makes it to 98% or even shuts down with a full charge.
The car is a car, and for it to be useful, it must work with a little common sense, but not need the "perfect" set of conditions to be met to be useful.
Keep it long enough and you will have to charge to 100% to make the trip you used to make at 80%.