Let me add my two cents. My wife has 2016 Leaf with 30kWh battery. At 247,000km I replaced the almost dead cells with LG cells from MEB packs (VW) with unknown history. It all worked out and the car is operational for over a year now, range is hard to tell because my wife charges it up twice a week. SOH was reset then and fell to some realistic value of 72% or around 20kWh worth of storage. Hx is also bad because the cells are connected 96S1P and have over 1 miliohm internal resistance (per cell). I decided to test the app today and managed to reset the SOH and Hx. I also noticed that the battery bars dropped from 6 to 4. LeafSpy also reads the old charging counter and the battery is now detected as 24kWh and not 30kWh. I will attach some pictures in the same sequence as I captured them, maybe it can help.
Thanks for all the work, it is highly appreciated. There will be many in need for help now with Nissan obviously going broke.