Anybody with Grizzl EVSE experience?

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Nov 9, 2023
Lyman, Iowa
Looking to replace my L2 EVSE, I like what I see (UL listed) and options to limit charge by Kwh.
I'd like to here from someone who has some of the their equipment before I buy.
Also like that it is North American made item.
I have a the old Avalanche model. So it's not a smart charger. Since it is UL listed it qualified for a electricity credit my local utility provider has. I already had a 240 volt 30 amp circuit in the garage and the current is adjustable.

I've been using it for a couple of years without any issues.
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About two months ago I replaced my ancient Blink EVSE with a Grizzl-E Smart 40A. So this one does have wifi connectivity, so I can see on my phone what the charging status is. However, I don't get notifications when the car stops charging, only when I've unplugged the car. The plug fits very tightly into my Leaf and my wife's 2019 Prius Prime, so sometimes a bit hard to get out. But it seems well built, so we're pretty happy with it.
I guess what I'm looking for is: Have you experienced and DTC's while using the EVSE?
The current L2 I have, came with the car when I bought it used, and does charge the car just fine.
However it fails in some aspects, it will set a DTC if allowed to be shut down by the cars timer, and will not start charging if plugged into the car, and the "overide timer" button is pushed. This leaves me to believe that something is still "hot" when the EVSE is shut off. Like not the power circuit but more likely the proximity or control (current setting) remains active.
Since the DTC goes in-active if the car is shut down then re-started, it has never been a problem, but does indicate something is not right with that EVSE.
I'm fairly sure it isn't a fault within the EVSE but that the EVSE wasn't designed to correctly meet the J1772 protocol.
Before I lay out coin for another, I want to be sure it does meet the requirement of the protocol
Give Emporia a looksee. You can set the charging current and you can schedule on and off times. And if supported by your POCO, it can reduce your electric rate or make you eligible for a credit.