@dampkwab if you really want this project to fly, I encourage you (perhaps once you've recouped your development cost selling a few units) to make your PCB design, BoM and 3D case files open source! Just sayin 
And not wanting to beat the same old drum, but I really think an on-board piezo or connections for an internal cabin speaker would be great. It could create the indicator tick/tock noises and other combination-meter warning noises that people loose when they remove the piezo from their cluster like driving without the seatbelt on (lol, ok maybe not that one)
And not wanting to beat the same old drum, but I really think an on-board piezo or connections for an internal cabin speaker would be great. It could create the indicator tick/tock noises and other combination-meter warning noises that people loose when they remove the piezo from their cluster like driving without the seatbelt on (lol, ok maybe not that one)