Our 2022 ZE1 (halogen headlights) lacks daylight running lights. After reading through the various options described here, and other forums, I studied the wiring diagrams, and performed tests on the car. The car lacks the circuitry, relays, wiring, and logic which make a real DRL solution possible. My chosen modification repurposes the fogs as DRLs with a single wire. The lights come on with the ignition, but are not tied (as proper DLRs would be) to the gear selector and parking brake.
The idea is to pull fuse #10 (which takes the output of the fog lamp control relay), and instead feed the lights from fuse #16 (which powers the reverse lamps and backup camera). Both of these fuses are in the same fuse box, and easily accessible. Note that the fuse numbers in the wiring diagrams for the ZE1 are 50 higher than the labels in the fuse box (i.e. #10 in the box appears as #50 in the diagram).
I used one 'add a circuit', and one hot-wire fuse tap to accomplish this. I'm using the 'add a circuit' to 'feed' the lamps, rather than 'tap' the power, so we leave the original circuit open (i.e. no fuse) and have the new fuse connected to the the lamp-side of fuse #10. Due to interference between the plastic fuse box and the recessed fuses, I was unable to use an 'add a circuit' to tap fuse #16. Instead, I used a cruder brass shim which fit in beside the original fuse.
With this mod, the fogs come on with the ignition, and the control knob for them does nothing (except toggle the relay). It is contained fully in the fuse box, and is entirely reversible.
I know there are plenty here to hate on DRLs, or assert that this modification is in violation of their local laws, or that one should just manually switch their headlamps on and off like it's 1984. To those I say, "You do you." I'm going to run with this and see how it works out. If I don't like it, I'll pull the wire out and re-install fuse #10.
The idea is to pull fuse #10 (which takes the output of the fog lamp control relay), and instead feed the lights from fuse #16 (which powers the reverse lamps and backup camera). Both of these fuses are in the same fuse box, and easily accessible. Note that the fuse numbers in the wiring diagrams for the ZE1 are 50 higher than the labels in the fuse box (i.e. #10 in the box appears as #50 in the diagram).
I used one 'add a circuit', and one hot-wire fuse tap to accomplish this. I'm using the 'add a circuit' to 'feed' the lamps, rather than 'tap' the power, so we leave the original circuit open (i.e. no fuse) and have the new fuse connected to the the lamp-side of fuse #10. Due to interference between the plastic fuse box and the recessed fuses, I was unable to use an 'add a circuit' to tap fuse #16. Instead, I used a cruder brass shim which fit in beside the original fuse.
With this mod, the fogs come on with the ignition, and the control knob for them does nothing (except toggle the relay). It is contained fully in the fuse box, and is entirely reversible.
I know there are plenty here to hate on DRLs, or assert that this modification is in violation of their local laws, or that one should just manually switch their headlamps on and off like it's 1984. To those I say, "You do you." I'm going to run with this and see how it works out. If I don't like it, I'll pull the wire out and re-install fuse #10.