[Gen2] Condensation in LED headlight - anyone here successfully cured theirs?

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Chad E. Mo

Zero Credibility
Oct 22, 2023
Somewhere near Detroit.
I have condensate on the clear lens of my spendy LED headlight. 2020 SV+.

Considering how much they cost to replace new or used, I'd like to resolve this before there's a problem with its function.

Thanks in advance for advice, especially from those who have firsthand experience.
On a whim, I checked fleabay for used headlights and bought one with a broken top tab for $275.

I was able to give it a close inspection, and it seems that Nissan had the sense to put a vapor vent near the top of the housing.

The interior of the housing has passages to allow free movement of air around most of the components, so I will presume that water vapor will purge itself in time, if the headlight gets warm.

I don't know how hot the LEDs get inside the housing, but I can imagine they get the air in the housing pretty toasty (nothing like halogens tho.)

If anyone is curious about the going price for a Gen2 LED headlight from the dealer: