Umm… literally everything? Climate change denial has been ridiculous for many years now. It was even kind of dumb back in the seventies when we knew it was happening but didn’t know if the world was going to get warmer or colder.
You know 70's they predicted a NEW ICE AGE. Ha ha. True! That is why all temp rise charts start in 1970's. This is a fact. No denial but deception abd ppl drink the coolaid. 70's was coldest decade in seceral 100's years. Media report that? Climite models that predict doom disseminated widely. A year or 30 years later when the prediction was wildly off and exaggerated by an absurd margin, crickets and spin. Go to North Poll in summer. Ice is melting! Ahaaa. Yep every year and winter it forms, and some places it's thicker and larger.
Go back to Medieval Europe, it was warmer than present. It's called MWP, Medieval Warming Period. I am not in denial I am Climate Realistic and use my Engineering and Airline pilot background to observe climite both on ground reading weather charts and in flight observing WX 40,000 feet. Read all the info, not just what you are feed by state media.l and Gretta Thungberg. John Kerry is not bright and on a power trip. Find his speach at Davos a few yrs ago. Scarry narcissism. These are the people pushing this agenda, which I assure you puts us LAST. Al Gore is another narcissist virtue signaling.
BTW what about America Continent in MWP times? Was it hotter than today. Likely. Who knows no one recorded history. Natives did not have thermometers. DATA please.
Take a humble pill. Smart people, smarter than you and I with several PhD's in physics, atmospheric science say "WE DON'T KNOW". Others have opinions and "believe" they know. Of course the scientists that are "deniers", which is anyone who disagree man is causing all climite chsnge), get no attention or Grants. If it is not the narrative the power brokers want "no grant for you, next".
They want us afraid and poor, but gosh darn it they will have 20 000 sq ft homes, yachts, and business jets. Al Goore has a monster home and gigantic house boat near a freind. The house boat had two tiny solar panes and is connected with not one but two high power shore to ship power lines. Oh it's IK carbon credits you know. Scam. Let the hypocrites walk the walk first. You give up steak and eat bugs first Bill Gates.
The travesty is death of science for junk science for "belief" over facts. "DO you belive in climite change." You must repent. Climate science is a religious thing now, belief system.. Take it faith and follow the Gov mandates. Call it "Scientisem". Gov funds biased research grants *free money* to only those who support the narrative. It's curropt and they have been caught over and over faking it or hiding data that refutes climite change is man made. Yet media obfiscates all the data.and makes up stories every hurricane (which factually are less and not as strong historicaliy). The issue is Mass increase population along coastal areas not there 70 yrs ago. 1800'a had hurricanes of biblical proportions. So damages are greater. We can not control climite. Sorry it's natural and we are at its mercy, impotent to control it. .
Science = Math, Data, Observable phenomenon and repeatable experiments. Uou don't have ALL OF THESE THINGS YOU JUST TALKING. Prove it. Go past MSNBC and the View. Climite changing? Yes but why? All man? That is axiomatically and categorically false. People talking last 50 yes is proof of Climate change all caused by man are either gullible and ignorant or lying. Yes man has some effect? OK put a number on it. 100%? No. Again CO2 does what how? Is CO2 a precursor to Climate change is debated by PhD's with good points on both sides Or is CO2 a result if temp rise for other reasons. CO2 is mostly 98% natural and we can't change that. CO2 is nor even close to the #1 green house gas by a huge factor. #1 green house gas is water in atmosphere. H2O is most potent green house gas second to none. CO2 is life as is H2O.
We can't have a substantive conversation with actual facts and data because you call people "deniers". Nope just rational and realistic. Cimite is changing, always had and always will regardlesd of cow farts, EV's or human,. but why? SUN, orbits vary and a million other reasons, mist we dont understand.
Then we can talk what can we do? Well unilateral edicts from people who crave power and control over us, not to be trusted the ones we should submit to. The "new green deal" calked "inflation reduction act" did nothing for environment and increased inflation. DO YOU NEED MORE PROOF CLIMITE CHANGE IS USED to scam us. It was a pork barrel extravaganza that made people wealthy or gave them more political power or pushed a progressive agenda. You and Me? Did nothing for us.
I'm ALL FOR EV (free market chouce), conservation and lowering pollution. We can do that. Forcing people to eat bugs and drive EV's that are debatable as far as lowering CO2, may cause more harm than advertised. Clearly "rare earth" materials that takes massive energy to extract, transport, process is an issue. It is scaring earth.
The source of electricity creates heat and pollution. Oh right wind solar. Does not work on a cold icy night. You will freeze. Not to mention making solar panels, more batteries and wind turbine generators is not Eco freindly or cheap. People who make "green energy" are happy when people mandated their product. It is Globilist economics and USA is getting the shift. You don't really think all this is virtuous and without selfish motives. Hey a Tesla Cyber Truck turns you on go for it. But driving a well maintained 2004 Toyota Camery or Honda Accord 39 yrs and 300k miles verses burying several EV's in 30 yrs is a net gain for Earth's resources and better for atmosphere.
.Opinion is fine. Man made climite change is a SWAG, aka Scientific Wild A** Guessing, or more politely a theory, hypothesis. Educated guessing is OK, but this topic is now a Religion. How dare I question the orthodoxy of "existential threat" from my existence and ICE car. We do need to discuss rational ways to lower CO2 output. Get off coal great. Can you say Nuclear?
It takes decades to plan, approve, build a Nuclear plant. None built in +40 years until recently. Yeah a new reactor after 40 yrs. More coming? Don'tthink so. Our current reactors are old and past original economic life. . We better build 67 more 1 Gig Watt Reactors in next 10 yrs, plus a lot more power lines and towers, sub-stations, transformers. If we are going all WV someday.
. I know people are not serious when they don't talk about this EV thing with Nuclear in same breath. Liquid fossil fuel makes jets, large cargo ships and 28 wheelers go, not to mention all the heavy equipment needed to dig up the RARE limited supply of materials out the ground to make batteries.
BTW all that stuff is mostly in countries that hate USA. Do the math is the "extestental threat" of 1 degree Celsius rise in 120 yrs in "global temp" enough to commit suicide, become a poor weak nation, like others? People want America to be weak... no super powers, we are "all equal" to lowest common denominator. No thanks. Cripple America economically by making energy scares and expensive, the last 3 yrs will seem like the good old days. Let's be rational.