Honda Unveils 7 Concepts + EV-STER Sports Car!

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Cute but no cigar. Honda has come a long way from my 92 Accord -- in the wrong direction. It started when they dropped the Prelude line...

Tell 'em to put some battery in that "sports" car, Soichiro!
Ya, it looks like Honda is still just doing a greenwash job. The EV-STER battery specs are almost comical and the most resolved design, RC-E, they won't even talk about. Maybe they should just stick to Accords after all.
Honda used to be a bold innovator, now they are a timid imitator.

In retrospect, one has to admire Nissan for going places where everyone was too afraid to tread, except startups (like Tesla).

I truly expected Honda to be in the forefront of alt propulsion that is mass-marketable (i.e. not fuel-cell based). A company capable of predicting market trends combined with innovation. Instead, Toyota beat them with Prius and now Nissan with BEV." onclick=";return false;

Well, that was a quick decision. Funny than Honda now mentions it might have an ICE version (as well???). IMHO that would be an entirely different concept but who's counting. So fingers crossed they put a real battery in it... and that this "electric sports car news" is the final straw that pushes you know who into production with you know what.
First pics of the EV-STER in the metal that I'm aware of, on this forum at least. I'm not crazy about the mismatched seats. Don't know what they were going for there (unless it's only to show the different materials they were thinking of using).

The Honda press conference is scheduled for today. I was planning on giving the Green Car ride-and-drive pretty much all of my attention, but maybe I will attend this one and see if they have anything more to say about it.


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160km out of 10kwh???? I would be extremely excited if it were true, but I gotta think more than doubling the levels of efficiency we've seen from production EVs so far is likely hooey.

also interesting that their 'sport' car has a motor less than 75% of the motor output capacity of Nissan's family sedan... Though lotus has shown that a great car doesn't have to rely on power alone... If it really is extremely lightweight that might work. Might also mean crazy expensive though...