How To Clean Plush Interior Fabrics & Plastic Scratches

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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2017
SOFT BLACK PLUSH SEAT & ARM REST FABRICS - How do I clean the interior. I vacuum and wipe down with damp cloth. It still looks fine, no tears/holes, but there's a few small stains that I'd like to try remove. Also I want to do a deep cleaning. Really thoroughly clean them well. What products or techniques do you all recommend? :D

PLASTIC - In the hatch area the plastic is pretty scratched up... I used Lucy the LEAF like a truck a few times. I am thinking fine sand paper. It may still be apparent but the scratches are ugly and blending (sanding) them out may be better. Otherwise find a junkyard wrecked LEAF and pull out those plastic panels. Heck I just might buy the whole car and see if I can pull the drive battery out and use the cells. :?:
I'm the same way. My leaf is a daily driver, pickup, trailer puller and coyote ambush/assault vehicle.

For the scratches and scuffs I was going to try quickly heating them with a lighter or a little crack pipe torch to see if they could be blended away, if that didn't work, sand paper and flame. Now that I think of it a paint stripping heat gun might work as long as it can flash melt the surface a little with out overheating the bulk of the plastic.
Starting in the most inconspicuous areas first, definitely remove the carpet and keep water handy.

There used to be some 3m plush interior scruber in a can, it had a little brush attached to the can, it would spray foam like a can of "scrubbing bubbles bathroom cleaner" and use the brush to scrub away stains and build up. But I haven't seen it for sale any where in years. Just need to find the next best thing.