LEAF CANbus decoding. (Open discussion)

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I'm trying to get turn indicator status readings from OBD port.
I am using query code 0x745 02 21 09 00 00 00 00 00 which works, returning data at 0x760.
The only problem is this will only update every second which is a bit slow.
This is reading the position of the stalk switches.

Looking at the various databases online, there do seem to be CAN IDs for that actual indicator status that can be polled at about 100ms (like the brake lights ID which can be queried at 0x740 03 22 12 09 00 00 00 00) but I cant find the query codes for any of them.

Does anyone know where I can find it?

I am using CANHacker and an arduino with a mcp2515 for sniffing.

The Motor & inverter report back their Temperature in 0x55A
Can get MotorTemperature, InverterComBoardTemp, IGBTTemperature and IGBTDriverBoardTemperature

And motor has good info on decoding it on Dala repo

But cant see PDM/Charger Temperature message info
Does PDM report it's Temperature via CAN buss?
(If so what ID please and how is it decoded)
squelch41 said:
I'm trying to get turn indicator status readings from OBD port.
I am using query code 0x745 02 21 09 00 00 00 00 00 which works, returning data at 0x760.
The only problem is this will only update every second which is a bit slow.
This is reading the position of the stalk switches.

Looking at the various databases online, there do seem to be CAN IDs for that actual indicator status that can be polled at about 100ms (like the brake lights ID which can be queried at 0x740 03 22 12 09 00 00 00 00) but I cant find the query codes for any of them.

Does anyone know where I can find it?

I am using CANHacker and an arduino with a mcp2515 for sniffing.


@squelch41 - turn signal indicator is available at 10ms interval on can ID 0x358.

(I am not entirely sure of the proper method to place the mcp2515 in bus monitoring mode, with the ELM327 it's AT CRA 358 to set the filter and then AT MA to monitor all)

The result is the following, repeating every 10 ms (2011 ZE0 here)

358 00 0A 82 00 00 00 00 00

The exact bits that are set seem to vary between models, as I see that CAR-can_AZE0.dbc and the canmsgs Google sheet shows different values.

canmsgs (valid for the 2011 ZE0 I'm working on): turn signal status in bits 1 and 2 (starting from LSB) of the the 3rd byte, and seems to be strictly a stalk indicator:
0x80= both off OR both turn signals (hazard)
0x82= left turn signal
0x84= right turn signal

The CAR-can_AZE0.dbc database might however be the better source of info for your 2018, and it says (also for the 3rd payload byte):
0x00= both off
0x04= left turn signal
0x08= right turn signal
0x0C= both turn signal (hazard)

I hope that helps at least point in the right direction!
Hi. Been directed here from the OVMS docs for support for 2018+ leafs. Is there any update that it will work? Is there a specific topic I should be checking?
Has anyone come across messages on the EV CAN bus like below, i.e. with frame ID 0x004 and 0x18 CC 07 BB?

id dlc d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7
00000004 8 0 8 0 0 0 0 60 0
00000004 8 0 20 0 0 0 0 80 0
18cc07bb 7 18 CC 7 BB D0 0 0 0

Good evening to you all. I am really probing for advise and help , I do not claim to know everything and anything about my subject so please be patient with me. I have a 62kw Nissan leaf . I would like to gain access to my chademo socket and I have been looking into this with a chademo schematic. My understanding is if I give 12vdc + to pin 2 and 12vdc negative to pin 10 it will energize the main EV battery contactor allowing access directly to the 400v DC from the battery. My question is if I do the above how will the can bus in the vehicle be affected . Pin 1 and 7 is the connection check so that's simple the car will not move as it will see the chademo plugged in. So really I am just concerned with can bus. Any help will be welcomed. Gino
Loving all the work towards the nissan 2018 EV! I dream to have the OVMS in my leaf and get away from Nissans crappy servers. I'm a selfhost it kinda guy anyway.
I am looking for canbus logs from EV and VEHICLE CAN in ZE1 car. Could someone help me with this please? Thanks. I have only ZE0 car.
Can someone expand upon:

The chart on page LAN-33 has a detailed list of each signal, and which bus/module transmits/receives it.

for a newby, I need some indication of where to go to find the document with LAN-33 in it (I do have access to the online Nissan repair manuals, but it is a collection of manuals that hasn't jumped out at where I might look).

Or is the "LAN-33" reference internal to the forum?

I am in the deep end trying to read signals from my air bag controller (EVC-285 ?) for my 2018 ZE1 leaf (repaired after a crash). I don't know if the guy who flashed the air bag eeprom broke something, or I have a different issue.

Is progress on this dead? I'd love to move my car from Nissan's garbage service over to OVMS and this work is needed for that, from what I can tell from the discussion.