NissanConnect EV Driving Records (Trips) on Wrong Days

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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
I searched a while but didn't see any topic/post on this. Is anyone else seeing the trip data on the wrong days in either the app (EV&Services) or the website ( or know how to fix it? :oops:

I've tried changing the timezone settings and unplugging the 12v battery for a few hours. Not sure if there is some other place the car is storing the wrong date/time or something.
If the time and date in the car are correct (which they should be), then it is likely a processing error on the Nissan servers. Maybe it is being logged for the day it is uploaded, and not the actual travel day.
I had my trips for one day this week show up as the day prior to the actual day they were taken, it was very strange. I've also seen it split my morning work commute (36 miles) into two separate trips, for no apparent reason as I didn't make any stops on my way to work.
I've got a call into Leaf EV customer support today, they're"looking into it" and going to get back to me.
No updates from support but I've noticed the last 3 days the trips have logged correctly; on the right date locally. Can anyone else verify trips from this week?
Pretty sure Eco rating is monthly average. My ratting matches the Month tab under Reports & Activity --> My EV --> Driving Records