OC calif...which dealer to submit 8bar hv battery warranty?

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Jan 29, 2012
Orange Co.
Any "better to deal with" dealerships in orange county for the hv battery warranty? I've heard not so great reviews about Nissan Huntington Beach and would rather not deal with combative service providers.
2017 just dropped 8bars 42k miles
What LeafSpy say ?
Good morning @NeguE - - - actually - - - - (In my excitement ) - - - -didn't even look - :unsure:
(Having never taken time to learn in's/out's of LSpy)
When 9th bar dropped (tired of counting lil bars)- -Simply covered the 10th bar on gauge w/ small square electric tape - so It would be "evident" when 9th dropped. 👾

Anyway -same day we dropped car off - - - - - Dealership got "Green Light" approval for warranty replacement! (y)
Yesterday picked up Loaner vehicle - The wait begins!
🌊Surf City Nissan HB - has been stellar 🤷‍♂️ (so far) -
As Always - This came w/ big punchlist of recommended items (not included)
But I only approved the following after much haggling down prices!
-Software update intelligent brake module ($250 down to $205)
-Gear reduction oil change ($285 >>>$240)
-Brake fluid change ($205>>>162.34)
Loaner car is a Sentra.
Hopeful this doesn't last more 2 mo!
240$ for a gear reduction oil change? Nice :) in a DIY mode , cost 30-60$ :))

But for a battery replacement approved , is a good spent money ;)
lol - thx for ruining my ignorance is bliss moment of haggling success.....lol
Crap - now i'm going to cancel that gear oil change! (Thank you for heads up!)

edit - Just called and cancelled the gear oil item off! (thx @NeguE - owe you a :coffee: )
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New Record Time to get warranty HV battery?? (Could not be happier with overall experience) Good Job Nissan!
Jan11th 2017 leaf drops to 8bars (42k miles)
Jan 14th Called Nissan Consumer affairs and assigned Case# for warranty claim
Jan 16th Dropped Leaf @ Dealership (Orange Co. Calif)
Jan 17th picked up Loaner
Jan 27th Nissan calls to report Car finished (new 40kwh battery charges to 180miles range)
Jan 28th Picked up our leaf
Total = 17 days