Onboard charger capacitors failed

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shuma89 said:
i change 4,7ohm resistor, it was burned. car charged 3-4 times and it burned again, i change this resistor, after 2-3 charge it blows, there is 3 pieces of 4,7 ohm 5W resistor, i have changed all of them with 10W resistors 4,7 ohm.
Those pre-charge resistors suffer very high peak power demands for a short time (seconds or less). So ordinary resistors, even 10W rated ones, probably won't last in this application. You need to choose resistors with a high peak power rating.

But if the pre-charge relay doesn't turn on, or if the contacts are worn or pitted, then these resistors will attempt to pass many hundreds of power, in which case they'll blow regardless of their ratings.

It would be good to power the relay and check that it shorts the pre-charge relays successfully. You have to do this with the correct voltage an polarity, otherwise you'll just blow the diode that is directly across the relay coil.

The OBC is somewhat similar to the one in the iMiEV, so this long but very useful topic on the iMiEV charger may be valuable:

Troubleshooting and repair for On-board Charger (OBC) .

Edit: Oods! I see that you are well aware of the iMiEV forum, as you also posted there. Perhaps you can follow the guide for turning on the relay there, and find the equivalent diode so you can get the polarity right.
Dear Everyone...

I'm disassembling a waffle-plate and trying to identify it's parts:
1. Input diodes 25v60 600V 25A 4pcs
2. Resistors between 8-7 and 17-18 pins are 100k NTC temperature sensors.
3. Output diodes F20L60U 600V 20A 10pcs
4. PFC mosfets are RJP6012 600V 40A 3pcs
5. Two PFC diodes are damaged in my waffle-plate... 600V ~40A fast I thing...
6. H-bridge mosfets are damaged too... 8pcs RJP6012 may be used I think.
7. TR545 and TR546 are 2SC5053
8. C517 10u
9. TR541, 542, 543, 544 - BCX53-16

I'm going to re-make a waffle-plate to make OBCs more repairable ) Have anybody any information about damaged things to identify them?

Thank you.
How much have you progressed with this?
Dear Everyone...

I'm disassembling a waffle-plate and trying to identify it's parts:
1. Input diodes 25v60 600V 25A 4pcs
2. Resistors between 8-7 and 17-18 pins are 100k NTC temperature sensors.
3. Output diodes F20L60U 600V 20A 10pcs
4. PFC mosfets are RJP6012 600V 40A 3pcs
5. Two PFC diodes are damaged in my waffle-plate... 600V ~40A fast I thing...
6. H-bridge mosfets are damaged too... 8pcs RJP6012 may be used I think.
7. TR545 and TR546 are 2SC5053
8. C517 10u
9. TR541, 542, 543, 544 - BCX53-16

I'm going to re-make a waffle-plate to make OBCs more repairable ) Have anybody any information about damaged things to identify them?

Thank you.
Hi Huimot,

I'm wondering if you have succeeded on identifying all the parts and even better, remaking the waffe plate. I thinking to do the same, since I cannot find a suitable and affordable OBC on scrap yards. Perhaps my approach will be to use off the shelf modules, like FS20R06W1E3B11BOMA1 or STGSH80HB65DAG or more powerful ones, or a module that has the most parts needed for the waffle plate.

If you did, how did you remove the epoxy?

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Hi, I am trying to repair the onboard charger from my Nissan Leaf that failed catastrophically a couple of weeks ago with the explosion of 3 igbts from the waffle plate.

I am not sure if people here are interested in repairing instead of replacing the full charger, but if so I am finishing designing a pcb to replace the waffle plate.

If you are interested, find the design sources and my contact information in the following link.


Please note that I AM NOT SELLING waffle plates, i am just sharing a project in case someone wants to cooperate.. If you are not capable of removing your waffle plate, please don't bother, this requires squills and some work to do, however if you have some electronics skills and want to take a look at the design, verify the connections, and of course, manufacture it for you and your friends, please follow the link and contact me.

pcb bottom.JPG
I have an OBD that I'm giving away if anyone wants one for repair or spares. I replaced this unit with a new one for a customer who didn't want a repaired one in her car.

It looks like it's just the capacitor pictured that has failed but I have not done any testing to confirm.

Could be an easy fix for someone who knows what they are doing or a great source of parts.

Located in San Francisco Bay Area for local pick up or I could ship at the expense of whoever wants it.