Swapping out a head unit with newer (wiring nightmare)

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New member
Nov 23, 2022
I have a 2012 leaf with a QY-7201N-C head unit which has failed, I got a replacement from a salvaged 2016 leaf (a qy-8252) but to my dismay half the connectors are different. can this be solved with a few converter cables? the power and vehicle I/F are the same however the GPS DCM I/F and USB are different, plus the newer model seems to need an external BT antenna.

Anyone got any advice?

I have already bought the 2016 one, I'd prefer to use it as it has more features and also don't really want to spend another £300
We are working on replacement units for 2011-2012 and 2013-2017 with OEM connectors and our software. We are probably a month out from having a solid product. I will post when I have something that is easy to install.