The Way My GOM Reads Battery Discharge

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Sep 14, 2019
Is this something to be concerned about -- my GOM shows battery discharge unevenly, especially when I check it against LeafSpy. To illustrate -- say I start out fully charged with 12 bars. As I drive, it loses bars pretty quickly, more quickly than I think it would based on its known SOH (24 kWh @ 90%). So if I assume I have 84 miles of range at 12 bars (theoretically 7 mi/bar), it might drop down to 6 bars after only 25 or so miles, indicating that I only got 4 mi/bar. However, as I continue to drive, it drops bars much more slowly, and by the time I fully discharge the battery, I am getting 8+ mi/bar and the 84 miles of range I expected. Is this normal?
Lots of Leafers call it the GOM for a reason - it's a guess based on recent driving. If your drive after charging doesn't match your drive immediately before charging, the guess is going to be biased high or low.

Regarding your specific question:
What sort of speed are you driving when the bars drop quickly vs more slowly?
What sort of terrain are you driving in when the bars drop quickly vs more slowly?

I don't really pay attention to the GOM or the SOC bars, I watch the battery charge percentage.
I don't drive any differently or on different terrain when the bars drop more quickly. It's a pattern all the time. I have a 2012, so I have to use LeafSpy to track battery charge percentage.
The pattern you describe doesn't match what I see on my 2014, although as I mentioned above I don't pay much attention to the SOC bars or the GOM.

Does the LeafSpy battery charge percentage match expectations? If so, and if you're getting the range you expect from the car, why worry about what the dash tells you?