I’ve got a 2016 Leaf with >100,000 km, I’m still perfectly happy with it but do realize it’s aging! Just trying to decide if I need to worry about replacing the car or the battery soon…
Last year the car got stuck in turtle mode; after some troubleshooting turned out to be a failing 12V battery, that I replaced. No more turtle mode, yay!
Then, a couple months after that, the car started sometimes going into turtle mode immediately on startup. 12V tested fine (I did also recheck its seating and connections anyway, all good), so I started paying closer attention to what was happening when that damned turtle did or did not show up… here’s what I’ve been able to discern:
- If the car is plugged in and actively charging (not yet to 100%), then unplugged and immediately started: all good, no turtle mode.
- If the car has been sitting unplugged for longer than about 10 mins, or if it’s plugged in but not actively charging: BAM turtle mode on startup.
- If the car starts in turtle mode: if I turn it off, then wait until the interior cabin light turns itself off (about 30 sec), then start it immediately-to-about-5mins-later (I haven’t timed the max time delay that works here): all good, no turtle mode
- If the car does start in turtle mode, and I turn it off, and then turn it on again *before* the interior cabin light turns off… BAM turtle mode again.
- If I’ve been driving, park (car off) for a quick stop, and am back to restart the car within a few minutes (I haven’t actually timed this bit exactly): all good, no turtle mode.
Can anyone suggest an explanation? I’m wondering if it has something to do with when the battery cells are compared to their neighbours to balance themselves… anyone know at what time point(s) during the car’s driving/charging/activity that actually happens? Or could it be something else entirely?
Unfortunately I don’t have LeafSpy or an ODM reader (been tempted, but haven’t been able to justify the expense when it doesn’t look like it’ll give me any info I can act on myself anyway), so I do realize some potentially-clarifying data may be missing.
Not panicking because (1) the car hasn’t been slipping into turtle mode while driving and (2) I can live with the “turn it off, wait 30 sec, then restart” workaround. I’m quite happy the thing isn’t stuck in turtle mode completely! But I’m puzzled… is this sort of behaviour a sure sign of impending doom, just a quirk of an aging car, or something in between?
Anyone have any insight?
Last year the car got stuck in turtle mode; after some troubleshooting turned out to be a failing 12V battery, that I replaced. No more turtle mode, yay!
Then, a couple months after that, the car started sometimes going into turtle mode immediately on startup. 12V tested fine (I did also recheck its seating and connections anyway, all good), so I started paying closer attention to what was happening when that damned turtle did or did not show up… here’s what I’ve been able to discern:
- If the car is plugged in and actively charging (not yet to 100%), then unplugged and immediately started: all good, no turtle mode.
- If the car has been sitting unplugged for longer than about 10 mins, or if it’s plugged in but not actively charging: BAM turtle mode on startup.
- If the car starts in turtle mode: if I turn it off, then wait until the interior cabin light turns itself off (about 30 sec), then start it immediately-to-about-5mins-later (I haven’t timed the max time delay that works here): all good, no turtle mode
- If the car does start in turtle mode, and I turn it off, and then turn it on again *before* the interior cabin light turns off… BAM turtle mode again.
- If I’ve been driving, park (car off) for a quick stop, and am back to restart the car within a few minutes (I haven’t actually timed this bit exactly): all good, no turtle mode.
Can anyone suggest an explanation? I’m wondering if it has something to do with when the battery cells are compared to their neighbours to balance themselves… anyone know at what time point(s) during the car’s driving/charging/activity that actually happens? Or could it be something else entirely?
Unfortunately I don’t have LeafSpy or an ODM reader (been tempted, but haven’t been able to justify the expense when it doesn’t look like it’ll give me any info I can act on myself anyway), so I do realize some potentially-clarifying data may be missing.
Not panicking because (1) the car hasn’t been slipping into turtle mode while driving and (2) I can live with the “turn it off, wait 30 sec, then restart” workaround. I’m quite happy the thing isn’t stuck in turtle mode completely! But I’m puzzled… is this sort of behaviour a sure sign of impending doom, just a quirk of an aging car, or something in between?
Anyone have any insight?