Lexus UX300e

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2011
SF Bay Area, CA
Lexus UX300e electric car revealed for China, Europe, Japan—but not US

Lexus embarks on its electric journey with UX 300e
This is the first EV from the luxury brand, but it's not for America.
Lexus Opens Online Reservations For UX 300e In UK

Above piece mentions the car has CHAdeMO.
The car, though small look nice. Glad to see another Chademo in the market. Reviews showing up in Spain, UK, and Portugal. I have pinged Toyota a couple times and asked when its coming to the US.
I don't see much interest in this here in Norway at least. But they will probably sell a few here and there. It should be noted that Lexus in general is not a very popular brand in Norway and there are very few Lexus-dealerships here. Also, Chademo is sort of a showstopper for an new EV over here.

I did consider to steer my parents in direction of this as they currently have a Toyota RAV4 Hybrid, but they seem a little worried about range anxiety, charging and such when it comes to EVs - and they don't drive that much either, just about 5000 miles a year.
I did consider to steer my parents in direction of this as they currently have a Toyota RAV4 Hybrid, but they seem a little worried about range anxiety, charging and such when it comes to EVs - and they don't drive that much either, just about 5000 miles a year.

If they would run the ICE often enough to burn the gas every year, the Rav-4 Prime might be the ticket for them

I am surprised at how well the Leaf still sells there. Norway now sells almost as many Leafs as the entire US monthly. 400+

My assumption was that Lexus was coming to Norway, UK, Spain, and zportugal because of the Chademo and Leaf population in those countries.
The Leaf ticks many boxes for Norwegian car buyers. It is priced well, quite roomy and have a reputation for being very reliable. In Norway many EV-buyers are also not that particularly interested in EVs, it is just that it is the most sensible option when you are buying a new car in Norway today. So they don't care to much about Chademo/CCS, Rapidgate or battery degradation (the latter is not a big problem in Norway anyway).
According to insideEvs, Toyota is going to sell a ccs to chademo converter for the new Lexus.
Starting price in Spain is only 43k €
I will guess that is cars for the dealers so people can test-drive them. Dealers usually get a few cars in the batch for this purpose, although there might be some early adopters in there as well.

There is a Lexus-dealer near me so I might go to have a look one day. My parents are actually starting to consider it, however the lack of AWD is a bit of a showstopper though.
I was watching NHK news and they reported the Lexus UX will be in Southeast Asia, specifically Thailand and Indonesia.

I didn't see a news story but I do see
I see promo videos afor all over Europe and South East Asia for the Ux300e now. Sales in Norway, while still small are accelerating.

With they would bring it to the US. Maybe start with the midwest this time. Does anyone know how many have been sold in the UK?
DougWantsALeaf said:
Ux300e is going to Israel now too. How long until it comes to the US?

Israel is a complicated story for BEV and up till now it has not caught on, I presume mostly related to difficulties charging. The Gov sure is trying though -- tax breaks can reach *up to* $22k USD compared to ICE of similar starting cost.
DougWantsALeaf said:
The car, though small look nice. Glad to see another Chademo in the market. Reviews showing up in Spain, UK, and Portugal. I have pinged Toyota a couple times and asked when its coming to the US.

Like that mouse pad like controller. Way better than tapping on a touchscreen although its still eyes off the road.