USB port power source?

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2021
Boise ID USA
Anyone know if the USB port is powered by the 12v or the main Li-Ion pack? We use it to pipe audio into the console of our 2016 and to trickle charge an iPhone.
The USB port(s) get power from the 12 volt system. If the car is in Ready Mode (yellow-green car icon lit) then the DC-DC converter is providing the power from the main pack. If the car is in Accessory mode, though, the power comes from the 12 volt battery. Do NOT use accessory mode, unless you have replaced the OEM 12 volt battery with a high capacity deep cycle battery like an AGM.
Thank you for the reply and for accepting my first post! It’s great to find a resource like this.

So, if I am understanding you, if she only plugs in her iPhone when she’s on the road, she is draining power from the main pack. If she did stop and switch to accessory mode, she’s draining the 12v, and this is risky unless we upgrade to the battery you described. I’m assuming the 12v “starts” the motor and (from what I’ve read) also powers the cabin heater?

Go easy on me — this is, in fact, my first EV rodeo. :)
Welcome. You are correct on all points except the cabin heater. I believe the 12 volt system powers the blower for that, but the actual HVAC unit(s) run from the high voltage (pack) system. The 12 volt battery provides the power to close the big relays (aka Contactors) that start the car, so it is critical for it to have enough power to do that. The best thing for her is to just use Ready mode when stopped, and never Accessory mode. IOW, leave the car 'running' and put it in Park, with the parking brake engaged. It won't hurt anything for the car to be in Ready mode for long periods. Just turn off the climate control if you want to greatly reduce the drain on the big battery.
Wavebender said:
Anyone know if the USB port is powered by the 12v or the main Li-Ion pack? We use it to pipe audio into the console of our 2016 and to trickle charge an iPhone.
Here's a tip related to your question: if you intend on charging your phone(s) regularly, buy a standalone USB charging port that plugs into the cigarette lighter (directly above the cup holder/console on the Gen1 Leaf). Not only will it support faster charging rates (the built-in USB port is only .5A), but they usually come in "dual-plug" configurations (so you can charge 2 phones at once).
Thanks for the tip, Stanton. We have several dual USB port plugs from previous cars. Do you know if that port is powered by 12v or the big pack?
Wifey and I thank you all for your guidance and insight. Our 2016 did not come with a manual, but I found the download link and have the PDF. I’m working my merry way through it so I shouldn’t have to ask so many dumbass questions going forward.